Page 32 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 32

the Grand Master  rr
                From the Desk of   rrrooommmm thhhhheeeeee DDDDDDDDDDDDDDeeesskk ooofff
                F F F F F                                                   t thhhheee GGGrrannnnnndddddd MMMMMMMMMMMMMaasstteee

         The Holy Saints John                                               Evangelists  day.”    Traditionally  we  hold
                                                                            ours in January.
          Brothers  all,  Happy  New  Year  and  best
        wishes for the upcoming 2019!                                         The Coaches Handbook does a fantastic
                                                                            job  of  the  lesson  of  The  Holy  Saints
          We have an exciting year in front of us to                        John.  And  it’s  lesson  is;  “It  is  stated  in
        start or initiate a new chapter in our lives,                       the  monitorial  lecture  that  “our  ancient
        and I am totally excited to be a miniscule                          brethren  dedicated  their  lodges  to  King
        part  of  Montana  Masonry  to  endeavor  to                        Solomon, who was our fi rst Most Excellent
        persevere to serve and assist every worthy                          Grand Master, but modern Masons dedicate
        Brother,  their  Widows  and  Orphans.                              theirs to St. John the Baptist and St. John
        Remember Brothers, you have an awesome                              the  Evangelist,  who  were  two  eminent
        opportunity  to  have  365  new  chapters  in                       patrons of Masonry.”
        your life this year!
                                                                              Since  all  lodges  are  now  dedicated  to
          In order to accurately write an article for the Montana  these saints, Masons of today are said to come from “the
        Freemason and the Grand Master’s address for the Holy  lodge of the Holy Saints John at Jerusalem.”
        Saints John Day, one of three required observances, as
        well  as Americanism  and  Public  Schools,  I  completed   In  the  third  century  the  church  adopted  the  pagan
        the  basic  research.  If  you  review  the  Constitution  and  festival  days  of  the  summer  and  winter  solstices  and
        Code  of  Statutes,  Article  V  -Requirements;  Section  made June 24 St. John the Baptists day, and December
        25060,  Required  Observances,  “Annually,  every  lodge  27 St. John the Evangelist’s Day.
        shall hold the following observances:
                                                                 Biblically, John the Baptist was the son of the Jewish
          A. Holy Saints John Day, during the month of January,  priest,  Zacharias,  and  Elizabeth,  cousin  of  Mary.
        excluding Sunday, which shall consist of a tyled table  His life, built on the strength of faith sustained to his
        lodge and a luncheon or dinner;”                       martyred death, is an example of unshaken fi rmness in
                                                               the right and in his infl exible fi delity to God. John the
          The  last  paragraph  also  describes  specifi cally  how  Evangelist, author of the Gospel and the Epistles bearing
        lodges, “may combine with adjacent lodges in carrying  his name, was the son of Zebedee, brother of James and
        out any of the required observances.” This is a simple  the youngest of the Apostles.  His constant admonitions
        and basic advisement of when you are hosting your Holy  to the cultivation of brotherly love and the mysticism of
        Saints  John  Day  to  invite  your  Masonic  neighbors,  I  his vision undoubtedly led to his inclusion with John the
        personally know many Brothers, like myself, who will  Baptist as the Holy Saints John, who as the patron saints
        travel extremely long blizzard-like highways, in all hours  of Masonry have become enshrined in the memory of
        of the night, to enjoy a delicious hearty meal with good  every Mason.”
        Brothers, and specifi cally enjoy great Fellowship!
                                                                 I hope these informative descriptions from the Coaches
          The Coaches Handbook, Section 4, Montana Masonic  Handbook  have  been  valuable  in  your  Feast  of  Saints
        Manual, defi nes the Holy Saints John, as the “Symbol  John  Lodge  of  Instruction.  Brothers,  as  we  refl ect  on
        of  Masonry’s  veneration  of  lofty  character.  Less  well  the lesson provided on our 2 Saints, I only hope for the
        developed is the symbolism which makes Masonry join  ongoing empowerment of the “Cultivation of Brotherly
        all rites, all religions, in all ages in the celebration of the  Love,” as all of us strive for this simple and basic act of
        summer  and  winter  solstices—June  24  and  December  Masonry. As we toast our glasses to dedicate our lives to
        27.  The  Grand  Lodge  of  England  was  formed  on  St.  the service of our fellow men.
        John  the  Baptist’s  day  in  1717  and  annually  meets  on
        that day. Grand Lodges throughout the world observe the   In  closing,  I  am  reminded  of  one  of  my  favorite
        festival days of the Holy Saints John, some one, some  scriptures from John 1:27, “Though his ministry follows
        the other, some both. The Grand Lodge of Montana holds  mine, I'm not even worthy to be his slave and untie the
        table lodges in the winter in observance of St. John the  straps of his sandal."
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