Page 33 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
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W. Brother Cliff Brophy
           Stillwater County Sheriff Retired

            W.  Brother  Cliff   Brophy
          had  planned  on  serving  as
          a  member  of  the  clergy.
          But  as  fate  would  have  it,
          he  become  involved  with
          Stillwater County Search and
          Rescue and turned to a career
          in  law  enforcement.  He  was                                       On October 5, 2019
          hired  as  the  resident  Deputy                                     Deer Lodge No. 14
          in Absarokee in 1981. Seven                                      Banquet Celebrating their
          years later he was appointed                                         150th Anniversary
          Sheriff .  Brother  Cliff   was
          fi rst elected to the position of                                                &
          Sheriff   of  Stillwater  County                         100th Anniversary of the Lodge building
          in 1990, according to county
          records. Sheriff  Brophy was re-elected to the post     Deer No. 14, Deer Lodge, Montana was Chartered
          a  total  of  six  times.  Cliff   also  served  on  the  FBI   on October 6, 1869. The fi rst Lodge building was a
          Criminal  Justice  Information  Services  Division    two-story brick veneered building built in 1870 which
          Advisory  Policy  Board,  the  Montana  Board  of     was located on one of the lots where the second Lodge
          Crime Control, past president of the Montana Sheriff    building was built. Fifty years later, after adding more
          and  Peace  Offi  cers’ Association,  past  president  of   land to the location, a three-story brick building was
          the  Montana  Coroners’  Association,  the  Montana   built with the cornerstone laid on September 17, 1919.
          Lottery  Commission,  the  Montana  Emergency         The fi rst lodge meeting in the new building was held
          Response  Commission,  as  well  as  several  local   on March 16, 1920.
          groups.  This  past  Monday,  Sheriff   Cliff   Brophy   The current building is designed using Renaissance
          ended  a  nearly  37-year  law  enforcement  career,   and Classical Revival style, with a stone or cement
          when he signed off  on the radio for the last time.    arched door surrounded with an arched light, pilasters
                                                                marking  the  lodge  entry,  three  story  corner  pilaster
            Brother Cliff , Thank you for dedication, loyalty,   capped  with  animate  objects,  an  ornate  dropped
          and service! You have infl uenced many with your       stone  cornice  made  of  crosses,  and  recessed  arched
          unending  compassion,  respect,  and  service  in  all   brickwork  over  each  window.  The  Lodge  meets  on
          facets of law enforcement. The Masons of Montana      the third fl oor the fi rst and second fl oors are rented or
          also  wish  to  thank  you  for  your  service  and   leased out.
          congratulate on your retirement.

             W. Bro. Brophy is a Past Master and the Secretary
          of  Stillwater  Lodge  No.  62.  He  as  also  served  as
          several times as W. Grand Chaplain and also as W.
          Grand Historian.rian.

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 33
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