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Brotherly Love, Relief & Truth

          The  three  great  tenets  of  a  Freemason's  profession  sympathize  with  their  misfortunes;  to  compassionate
        inculcate  the  practice  of  those  truly  commendable  their  miseries,  and  to  restore  peace  to  their  troubled
        virtues, BROTHERLY LOVE, RELIEF, and TRUTH.            minds, is the great aim we have in view. On this basis,
                                                               we form our friendships and establish our connections.
          Brotherly  Love  -  curiously  the  Montana  Masonic
        Manual,  Section  4  only  has  two  short  references  to   Relief  fl ows  from  brotherly  love,  as  free,  pure,  and
        Brotherly  Love.  Once  in  the  sections  describing  "The  refreshing as the mountain air. It dries up the gushing
        Northeast Corner" where it simply refers to it as one of  fountains  of  grief,  banishes  want  from  the  abode  of
        the  tenets  of  Freemasonry  and  the  second  time  in  the  a  distressed  brother,  and  pours  the  oil  of  joy  into  the
        section  describing  "the  Holy  Saints  John."  However,  wounded hearts of the widow and the orphan.
        in  many  Masonic  writings  we  fi nd  -  By  the  exercise
        of  Brotherly  Love,  we  are  taught  to  regard  the  whole   Truth is addressed by the Montana Masonic Manual,
        human  species  as  one  family—the  high,  the  low,  the  Section 4 as, "One of the three principal tenets brotherly
        rich, the poor—who, as created by one Almighty Parent,  love,  relief,  and  truth.  In  the  Entered  Apprentice
        and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support,  degree  truth,  "the  foundation  of  every  virtue,"
        and protect each other. On this principle, Masonry unites  obviously  symbolizes  honesty,  sincerity,  plain  dealing.
        men of every country, sect, and opinion, and conciliates  Philosophically,  truth  is  synonymous  with  ultimate
        true friendship among those who might otherwise have  knowledge and is one of the reasons for the long life and
        remained at a perpetual distance.                      continued existence of Freemasonry. It is, as a whole, a
                                                               search for the causes behind the causes of things as we
          Brotherly  Love  or  Friendship  is  regarded  by  know them. In this sense, truth is a symbol of the Divine
        Freemasons as the strong cement of the Order; without  Knowledge of the G. A. O. T. U.
        this high moral virtue, the Fraternity would soon cease
        to exist. By Brotherly Love, we are to understand that   This has been stated by some jurisdictions as A divine
        generous principle of the soul which regards the human  attribute, and the foundation of every virtue. To be good
        species as one family, created by an All-wise Being, and  and true is the fi rst lesson we are taught in Masonry. On
        placed on this globe for the mutual assistance of each  this theme, we contemplate, and by its dictates endeavor
        other.  The  man  who  is  actuated  by  the  pure  principle  to regulate our conduct. Hence, while infl uenced by this
        of  Brotherly  Love,  will  not  desert  his  friend  when  principle, hypocrisy and deceit are unknown among us;
        dangers threaten or misfortunes assail him. When he is  sincerity and plain dealing distinguish us, and the heart
        calumniated, he will openly and boldly espouse his cause,  and  the  tongue  join  in  promoting  each  other's  welfare
        and endeavor to remove the aspersion. When sickness or  and rejoicing in each other's prosperity.
        infi rmity occasion him to be deserted by others, he will
        seize the opportunity, and redouble all the aff ectionate   Truth  is  the  foundation  of  all  Masonic  virtues;  it  is
        attentions which love suggests. No society can exist for  one  of  our  grand  principles;  for  to  be  good  men  and
        any length of time unless Brotherly Love prevail among  true, is a part of the fi rst lesson we are taught; and at
        its members. To "dwell together in unity," is the life and  the  commencement  of  our  freedom,  we  are  exhorted
        support of the great Masonic institution.              to  be  fervent  and  zealous  in  the  pursuit  of  truth  and
                                                               goodness.  It  is  not  suffi  cient  that  we  walk  in  the  light
          Relief  -  The  Montana  Masonic  Manual,  Section  unless we do so in the truth also. All hypocrisy and deceit
        4  addresses  Masonic  Relief  as,  "A  Master  Mason  is  must  be  banished  from  among  us.  Sincerity  and  plain
        obligated to a brother and to his widow and orphans to  dealing complete the harmony of a Lodge, and render us
        the extent of his ability. A Lodge which fi nds a sojourning  acceptable in the sight of Him unto whom all hearts are
        Mason, his widow or orphans in destitute circumstances  open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are
        should  aff ord  them  temporary  relief;  in  the  meantime  hid. There is a charm in truth, which draws and attracts
        notifying the lodge to which he belongs, and thereafter  the mind continually towards it. The more we discover,
        being governed by its instructions. Often times this is a  the  more  we  desire;  and  the  great  reward  is  wisdom,
        means of detecting imposters."                         virtue,  and  happiness. This  is  an  edifi ce  founded  on  a
                                                               rock, which malice cannot shake or time destroy.
          Other jurisdictions address it this way, To relieve the
        distressed, is a duty incumbent on all men, but particularly   What  do  Brotherly  Love,  Relief,  and  Truth  mean  to
        on Masons, who are linked together by an indissoluble  you? How would you defi ne them?
        chain  of  sincere  aff ection.  To  soothe  the  unhappy;  to
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