Page 35 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 35

Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit

                                        E. C. Day,  M.W.P.G.M of Montana

          Years ago the foundations of our state's civilization  amid  these  rough  mountain  scenes  the  golden  keys
        were  laid. The  hands  which  held  the  working  tools  that were to unlock for them the door's to life's temple.
        and spread the cement which was to bind together the  How many ways of that throng came for gold to fi nd
        foundation stones of law and order were those of the  only a pauper's or criminal's grave.  How many came
        founders of this Grand Lodge.                          for  sordid  gold  that  found  instead  that  nourishment
                                                               came from the tree of life, not from the rocks of earth.
          With  growth  of  our  State  in  population,  and  with
        the development of its material resources has grown        Go  with  me  along  the  crowded  streets  of  those,
        and  has  developed  also  our  institutions.  And  the  wild  mining  camps.  Here  was  everything  that  could
        fact  that  this  institution  has  kept  pace  everywhere  appeal to the wild passions of youth. Here was every
        with  that  growth  declares  in  no  uncertain  terms  the  temptation that had beset the pathway of man from his
        universality of the underlaying principles of Masonry.  earliest times. And here, where no one who cared, could
        When the centers of population in the state but few  see, was that utter freedom from all of the restraints
        in number the people confi ned to the single industry  that had held the young man in the paths of innocence
        of mining, we fi nd Masonry convening its assemblies  and virtue. But note! A dim light shines out of the upper
        in their midst, and by the infl uence of its brotherhood  rooms  along  that  street. A  timid  youth  waits  at  the
        softening the asperity of life, taming the wild nature of  stairway until a brother's hand reaches out and guides
        the turbulent, and leading in the van of all the forces  his foot-steps. Follow him falteringly up the rickety
        which made for good. With the advent of the railroads  stairs, into the dimly lit hall, and there in the presence
        and the coming of new peoples, this same silent force  of men roughly clad and rough exterior a question is
        was at work, entering the new towns and centers as  propounded and answered, an a simple vow recited that
        soon as the tents were permanently pitched.            drives those wild scenes of the street far away, never
                                                               to return again with the same compelling force. And
          When  the  population  spread  out  along  the  fertile  the young man goes out of that room feeling that its
        valleys  and  upon  the  broad  prairies,  so  too,  went  length and breadth had been the four corners of earth,
        Masonry  to  cheer  and  to  bless. At  fi rst  its  meeting  and its covering the glorious starry canopy of Heaven
        places were the upper rooms of the log cabin or the  itself, and its light the light eternal that shines for all
        frame shack, the best that could be devised, perhaps- those who can see. Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit (Let there be
        its bare walls dimly lighted by the candles at the altar,  light, and there was light). In such a place one would
        but  rendered  illuminate  and  glorious  by  the  eternal  have met Duncan, Hull, Langford, Sanders, Hedges,
        light that shone for the fi rst time into the heart of the  Word, Hosmer, Knowles, and all that brilliant coterie,
        Apprentice. There were no accessories of scenery, of  whose name has since been emblazoned in letters of
        tapestry, of tasteful upholstery, or of glorious music,  gold  on  Montana's  pages.  What  mattered  it  that  the
        but  there  were  the  accompaniments  of  faith,  hope,  fl oor had no covering, the wall had no plastering, and
        charity,  and  brotherly  love,  and  the  meanness  of  the seats had no upholstery. One would have walked
        squalor of the meeting place were lost sight of, when  in the temple of the most high God accompanied by
        brother  spoke  to  brother  and  together  they  walked  the Grand Masters indeed, and have heard the voices
        upon  the  checkered  pavements  and  entered  into  the  of those whose tongues had touched with the coals of
        sacred precincts of the mystical temple, symbolized  fi re, and learned to lay the foundation of life's temple
        by  the  representative  of  God's  holy  house  built  by  from those who wrought well in the quarries.
        David's magnifi cent son.
                                                                 Of course in youth it is easy to enter into the house
          I  love  to  contemplate  the  meetings  of  the  pioneer  of make believe, and as the institution grew in strength
        Masons of that Montana.                                and importance the desire to make Masonry's abiding
                                                               place more representative of its place in the world found
            They were young men, of splendid intellect and  expression  in  better  and  more  permanent  structures.
        of rugged natures, both physical and spiritual. They  Several years ago the Craft in this state entered upon
        belonged to a generation which took part in the life  the  its  second  era,  that  of  temple  building.  True
        and death struggles of our nation.  They had left far  there had been erected before buildings for Masonic
        behind  them  civilization,  home  and  family,  to  fi nd  purposes  in  Bozeman,  Helena,  and  Virginia  City.

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 35
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