Page 38 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 38

Addendum to article "Whither Are We Drifting, A Historical & Statistical Look at Membership" pages 6 - 15

         Figure 18. Last Raised Date by Lodge and District.

          The traditions and lessons of Freemasonry can have a profound effect on its members. The teachings and
        symbolism of the Craft provide valuable lessons to us. The goal individually is to help us build ourselves better.
        The  primary purpose and the responsibility of a Lodge  is to “make Masons” So if we use "making Masons" as
        a measurement of success we can apply it along with the proceeding graphs and better understand the how well
        this is being accomplished and view the performance and goals of a District and its Lodges, and Grand Lodge.
        There is no one magic solution, but  the answer lies in the individual lodge’s culture. The figure above provides
        a window to view the measurement of the success of a District, and Lodge. The graph above shows those Lodges
        by District who have not made (raised) a Master Mason in a recent period of time.

        Beartooth District - of the eight Lodges in this District, one Lodge has not raised a Master Mason since 2017.
        CMR District - of the eight Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not  raised a Master Mason since 2004; one
        Lodge last raised a Master Mason in 2014;  one Lodge last raised a Mason in 2015,  and five Lodges have not
        raised a Master Mason since 2016.

        Glacier District - of the ten Lodges in this District: one Lodge last raised a Master Mason in 2005;  two Lodges
        in 2014, One Lodge in 2015 and one Lodge in 2016.
        Great Falls District - of the ten Lodges in this District: has one Lode last raised a Master Mason in 2009; two
        Lodges who last raised a Mason in 2015 and,  two Lodges that last raised an MM in 2016.
        Headwaters District - of the nine Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not  raised a Master Mason since 2002;
        one Lodge last raised a Mason in 2006; One Lodge in 2011; One Lodge in 2015 and, One Lodge in 2016.
        Livingston District - of the six Lodges in this District: one Lodge that last raised a Master Mason in 2016.
        Missoula District  - of the nine Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not raised a Master Mason since 2012;
        and one Lodge in 2015.
        Northern Lights District -of the ten Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not raised a Master Mason since 2008;
        one Lodge has not raised a Mason since 2009;  one Lodge in 2012; and 3 Lodges last raised a Mason in 2016.
        Rocky Mountain District - of the eight Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not raised a Master Mason since
        2012; one Lodge in 2015 and,  three Lodges that last raised a Mason in 2016
        Sagebrush District - of the eight Lodges in this District: one Lodge has not raised a Mason since 1997; one
        Lodge last raised a Mason in 2007; one Lodge last raised a Mason in 2009; one Lodge last raised a Mason in
        2013, and one Lodge last raised a Mason in 2013.

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