Page 39 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 39

Does Your Lodge Measure Up?

                                    R.W. Brother John Loayza, Assistant Grand Chancellor
                                               Grand Lodge AF&AM of Illinois
          In their attempts to determine the success and ultimate  Finishing First
        value of their Lodges, many Lodges have looked at only   When evaluating task completion and abandonment rates,
        one traditional viewpoint in evaluation or decision making.  Lodges also need to look at how tasks are completed. Are
        They may have focused only on member quantity, beating  most issues being resolved by one offi  cer or with the entire
        other  Lodges  or  organizations,  and  adherence  to  strict  offi  cer corps? First contact resolution measures how often
        traditional  methods  of  operation  in  a  changing  world  as  member issues are resolved on the fi rst try. It is the driver
        their main guiding strategies for success.             for excellence in any organization and has a powerful and
                                                               positive eff ect on all other performance and fi nancial Lodge
          Unfortunately, strategies like these are out of step with  evaluations  or  measurements.  Not  surprisingly,  Lodge
        current prevailing methods that shift to a member-centric  loyalty and satisfaction drops signifi cantly if member ideas
        one,  from  one-size  fi ts  all  experiences  to  experiences  or issues are being put off  to some undetermined time or
        that focus on giving members what they want, when and  completely ignored.
        how  they  want  it,  but  not  neglecting  the  principles  of
        Freemasonry.                                           A Matter of Time
                                                                 Member eff ort is also tied to some of the other methods,
          Due  to  these  modern  changes,  Lodge  leaders  should  such  as  average  time  handling  an  issue  of  a  member(s)
        determine  whether  or  not  traditional  member  service  or other offi  cer(s) time. Average handling time takes into
        strategies  still  serve  them  well  today. Although  there’s  a  consideration the total amount of time the member/offi  cer
        bottom line that Lodge offi  cers have to manage, it can’t be  spends from start to fi nish, is an indicator of overall Lodge
        the only thing. “Lodge Leadership” today has to recognize  effi  ciency, and correlates highly with member satisfaction.
        that  member  satisfaction  is  important  and  fi nd  a  happy  If a Lodge keeps a member’s issue in limbo for a long time
        medium  between  new  fl exible  and  hard  core  unchanging  or completely ignored, the Lodge will have real problems.
        traditional  methods  that  supposedly  determine  member  If  an  issue  is  going  to  be  considered,  keep  the  member
        satisfaction in any Lodge or other Masonic Bodies.     advised as to its progress and the rational reasons that it
                                                               may or may not be acceptable. Valid reasons for acceptance
          Progressive  Lodges  require  measuring  and  goal  setting  or rejection are always better than no communication at all.
        by  Lodge  offi  cers  who  can  inspire  and  move  forward
        aggressively.  There’s  always  room  for  improvement  in  Recommending
        focusing on measuring member experiences. Many Lodges    Another  important  measurable  statistic  is  how  likely
        don’t evaluate or conduct surveys regarding the relationship  members are to recommend a Lodge to others. The essential
        between  experience  quality  and  overall  outcomes.  They  factor to explore is how likely it is that a current member
        don’t  use  experience  measurement  methods  to  evaluate  would recommend his Lodge to a friend or colleague. In
        Lodge  offi  cer  performance  or  share  general  experience  measuring this factor, the member can respond to a simple
        metrics and models with its members. This makes it harder  survey by using a rating on a scale of 1 to 10.
        for even well-meaning offi  cers to tell if they’re doing the
        right thing.                                             Those ratings can be divided into three groups: Promoters
                                                               (rating of 9 or 10), Passives (7 or 8), and Detractors (0 to 6).
        The Complete Picture                                   The percentage of detractor responses is subtracted from
          As  more  Lodges  improve  their  quality  of  interactions,  the percentage of promoters and gives a net promoter score.
        offi  cer task completion rates are emerging as a meaningful  According to numerous marketing studies, this is a similar
        guidepost for performance. Today, this type of evaluation  business method used by about 69 percent of companies
        indicates who were able to accomplish their goals through  today.
        various  interactions,  and  is  a  driver  of  overall  member/
        offi  cer satisfaction.                                    If there are more detractors than promoters, it’s imperative
                                                               to fi nd out and list the reasons so corrections/improvements
          Task completion also has a direct correlation with another  can be made by the Lodge, as well as knowing its strengths.
        important measurement, namely, Lodge abandonment rate.
        It’s closely tied to how quickly possible progressive changes   “Brethren, without evaluating or measuring opinions of
        are made by the offi  cers. The longer it takes to make modern  our members, and acting on them in a timely manner, we
        and positive changes, the higher the abandonment rate will  do a disservice to ourselves, our Lodge, and are members in
        be. I.E., lack of Lodge attendance and more potential Lodge  general. We constantly need new ideas to become better at
        mergers. This is because some offi  cers tune out and fail to  what we do, especially in making Masonry and our Lodges
        hear or understand what the members want, thereby going  more  progressive  in  the  future.  Thus,  don’t  fall  into  the
        down the wrong path.                                   complacency  trap  of  the  Dark Ages,  but  continue  into  a
                                                               New Age of Enlightenment.”
         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 39
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