Page 34 - Jan 2019 MFM.indd
P. 34

This Thing Which We Call Masonry
                                    This Thing Which We Call Masonry
                                                Bro. John E. Erickson
                                                Bro. John E. Erickson
                                          Governor of Montana 1925-193333
                                          Governor of Montana 1925-19
          Brethren:  Montana  owes  much  to  Masons  and  even  contempt  for  our  institutions  is  everywhere
        Masonry. In the pioneer days, when lawlessness and  manifest in our own land; wars and revolutions, untold
        crime were rampant, when neither person nor property  suff ering and injustice among the nations of the world.
        were safe from the ravages of the thief and the thug,  It seems that we are still a long way from the Peace
        Masons  and  Masonry  exerted  a  silent  but  powerful  and Good Will to men of which the angels sang many
        infl uence  and  did  their  heroic  work  in  bringing  law  centuries ago. There is still need for further light in
        and order and making Montana a fi t and decent place  Masonry among the children of men everywhere, and
        for men to live in. And so, in the years that followed  it will be our pleasure as well as our duty to carry this
        during Montana's early years, its years of troubles and  light to those who sit in darkness. The silent unseen
        tribulations,  Masonry  always  and  consistently  was  power of Masonry will continue to win its victories
        found on the side of all good government and civic  and to bless mankind, for has it not been written that
        righteousness.  So  it  has  always  been  with  Masonry,  the things that are unseen are greater than the things
        not only in Montana, but everywhere and at all times. that are seen?

          The fundamental principle of Masonry is service to     May  the  result  of  what  you  do  as  Freemasons
        humanity, and this philosophy of service is as old as  continue to make Montana a safe and decent place to
        civilization itself. Masonry is an ideal, a silent spiritual  live.
        force which has asserted itself in humanity's struggle
        for higher and better things. And so it has always been.
        Civilizations have come and gone; nations have risen,
        fl ourished  and  passed  away;  kings  and  princes  and
        potentates and the mighty have strutted their feet upon
        the  world's  stage  and  passed  into  oblivion.  But  this
        thing which we call Masonry has grown more powerful
        throughout  the  centuries  until  it  has  become  one  of
        the great dynamic forces in the world's progress. The
        beauty of its philosophy thrills us; its history inspires
        us and its achievements are blessed heritage which we    Brother  John  E.  Erickson  was  a  member  of  Choteau
        treasure.                                              Lodge No. 44, later dmitting to Kalispell No. 42. He was
                                                               also a member of the York Rite, Scottish Rite, and Shrine.
          But we must not let the glories of the past blind us   John Edward Erickson - Born March 14, 1863, Stoughton,
        to the duties of today. The victories of the past should   Wisconsin.  Died  May  25,  1946  (aged  83)  in  Helena,
        share in problems of the present. There is still in the   Montana. Buried at Conrad Cemetery, Kalispell, Montana.
        world  much  of  ignorance,  bigotry,  intolerance  and  Bro.  Erickson  began  practicing  law  in  Kansas  in  1892.
        injustice  that  may  well  be  destroyed  by  the  light  of  He  moved  to  Choteau,  Montana  in  1893  and  continued
        Masonry. After all, the present and future of this Order  practicing  in  that  town.  He  served  as  county  attorney  of
        will be just what you and I make it, and society will  Teton County from 1897 to 1905, then judge of the eleventh
        get out of it what we put into it.                     judicial district of Montana from 1905 to 1915. He resumed
                                                               the practice of law at Kalispell, Montana in 1916.
          No  generation  has  had  a  greater  opportunity  than   Governor of Montana - He was elected the 8th Governor
        ours to render service to humanity and to justify the   of Montana (1925-1933). He won reelection in 1928, and
        existence of our Order. We are living in a wonderful   again  in  1932,  making  him  the  only  governor  elected  to
        wage,  in  a  wonderful  time,  in  a  time  when  man  is  three terms.
        enjoying more of the liberty, more of the fruits and
        more of the pleasures of life than in any other era of   United  States  Senator    from  Montana  -  On  March  13,
        the world's history. But we are forcibly reminded that   1933,  Bro.  Erickson  resigned  as  Governor  whereupon
        the last word in democracy has not yet been written;   Frank  Cooney,  formerly  Erickson's  Lieutenant  Governor
        that  there  is  much  yet  to  be  done;  that  on  every   and the Acting Governor, appointed Erickson to the United
                                                               States  Senate  to  fi ll  the  vacancy  caused  by  the  death  of
        hand problems, social and economic, are present for    Thomas J. Walsh.
        solution;  lawlessness  and  crime  and  disrespect,  and

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