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Yet let us fasten upon it nothing hard and fast that  liberally rewarded by your existing as representative
         serves well enough to make it useful today, but renders  of  the  spirit  that  actuates  you  as  citizens  of  our
         it useless tomorrow. As the apprentice stands in the  community. You have made a liberal contribution to
         corner of the lodge the working tools are put in his  the civilization  of your time.
         hands and he is taught their uses. But they are not his.
         They are the tools of the lodges. He is to use them     More than all else, however, is the infl uence which
         that the Worshipful Master may have pleasure and the  is to radiate from that mystical temple composed of
         Craft  profi t. The  Grand  Master  of  the  Universe  has  the lives of your members lived in the midst of their
         entrusted to us the principles of Masonry as working  neighbors. As a light that shines out to illuminate and
         tools. They, too, are not ours, they belong to the Lodge  beautify what was once darkness and waste spaces, so
         of the World. We are to use them that He may have  may the light of Masonry shine out from you and bless
         pleasure and the Craft of humanity that labors in this  your community.
         wide Lodge of the World may profi t thereby."

          Brethren of the Craft, you have a splendid history
         behind you. Rough and rugged at times the way you
         have been compelled to trod. But your labors have been

                                              The Story of Life

                                    Only the same old story told in a diff erent strain;
                                 Sometimes a smile of gladness, and then a stab of pain;
                                  Sometimes a fl ash of sunlight, again the drifting rain.

                              Sometimes it seems to borrow from the Rose its crimson hue;
                             Sometimes black with thunder, then changed to a brilliant blue;
                                Sometimes as false as Satan, sometimes as Heaven true.

                                 Only the same old story, but oh! how the changes ring!
                             Prophet and priest, and peasant, soldier and scholar, and king;
                              Sometimes the warmest handclasp leaves in the palm a sting.

                            Sometimes in the hash of even, sometimes in the mid-day strife;
                           Sometimes with dove-like calmness, sometimes with passion rife,
                               We dream it, write it, live it - this weird, wild story of life.

                                                                                                                   author unknown
                                                                                                                            from the Boston Transcript, 1892

         Volume 95   Number  1                                                  Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 37
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