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P. 26

no matter how noble  and  true  those  things  may  be,       The Nautilus and the Ammonite
        the value and helpfulness of the lesson may be lost
        because the teacher does not ring true.
                                                                             The nautilus and the ammonite
            You my brethren who are the leaders in Masonry in                  Were launched in friendly strife,
                                                                             Each sent to fl oat in its tiny boat
        the state of Montana. You are in a sense the Builders.                  On the wide, wide sea of life.
        The  character  of  the  Order  we  love  receives  its
        Hallmark here. Its the work that we are doing rings              For each could swim on the ocean's brim,
        true  to  the  standard  of  excellence  laid  down  by  the         And, when wearied, its sail could furl,
        noblemen  who  have  gone  before  us,  we  must,  of             And sink to sleep in the great sea-deep,
        course, fi nd our own lives ringing true to that standard                   In its palace all of pearl.
        — genuineness, honor, integrity, truth. When we point            And theirs was a bliss more fair than this
        out to the initiates the symbolic meaning of our Order,              Which we taste in our colder clime;
        let it win their approbation and their loyal devotion               For they were rife in a tropic life--
        because they see that we have learned those lessons                      A brighter and better clime.
        and that our lives are fi t patterns of what we wish them
        to be.                                                          They swam 'mid isles whose summer smiles
                                                                                  Were dimmed by no alloy;
                                                                       Whose groves were palm, whose air was balm,
        Re: 1927 Proceedings, Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana                          And life one only joy.

                                                                         They sailed all day through creek and bay,
                                                                                And traversed the ocean deep;
                                                                          And at night they sank on a coral bank,
                                                                                 In its fairy bowers to sleep.

                                                                            And the monsters vast of ages past
                                                                              They beheld in their ocean caves;
                                                                       They saw them ride in their power and pride,
                                                                              And sink in their deep-sea graves.
                                                                          And hand in hand, from strand to strand,
                                                                                They sailed in mirth and glee;
                                                                         These fairy shells, with their crystal cells,
                                                                                   Twin sisters of the sea.
         Right Reverend Herbert Henry Heywood Fox, D.D.                   And they came at last to a sea long past,
                (11 March 1871 - 24 November 1943)                              But as they reached its shore,
                                                                         The Almighty's breath spoke out in death,
                               Bishop                                          And the ammonite was no more.
                    Episcopal Diocese of Montana                           So the nautilus now in its shelly prow,
                                 and                                              As over the deep it strays,
                     Episcopal Diocese of Idaho                            Still seems to seek, in bay and creek,
                                                                                 Its companion of other days.
                           Grand Chaplain
                      Grand Lodge of Montana                               And alike do we, on life's stormy sea,
                              1927-1931                                        As we roam from shore to shore,
                                                                       Thus tempest-tossed, seek the loved, the lost,
                                                                               And fi nd them on earth no more.
                                                                          Yet the hope how sweet, again to meet,
                                                                                As we look to a distant strand,
                                                                      Where heart meets heart, and no more they part
                                                                                Who meet in that better land.

                                                                                                             - G F Richardson (1851)

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