Page 22 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 22

Keynote Address from 130th Annual Communication, 1996

                                           MWPGM Larry T. Lund

      This morning I had the pleasure to have breakfast with  Those energetic with youth, energy and ambition willing
     a group of Masons and some of the Grand Lodge Offi  cers  to try the untried, testing this age of change, willing to
     and we were talking about the importance of personal  challenge the new, while standing beside the old and
     growth and emulating some of the people that you and I  comparing the openly. Adding their energy to the search..
     have met and admired in our Masonic Life.              yet...with some fear, but thank God...with more hope! And
                                                            through their vision recognizing the rich possibilities of
      I stand before you with a sense of deep humility and  a new era.
     great pride. Humility in the wake of those great Past
     Grand Masters and Masons of our Masonic heritage who     If we are to appeal to the generations of men in the
     have stood here before me; pride in the refl ection that this  twenty-fi rst century and beyond, then we must appeal
     home of Grand Lodge represents human liberty in the  to them in ways of the times. We cannot change our
     purest form, yet devised - the opportunity to practice and  message, for the truth is what it is. But we can change the
     teach brotherly love , relief and truth.               way in which we pass the message if we are wise enough
                                                            to fi nd the means.
      Sir Isaac Newton, perhaps the prototype of the modern
     scientist, certainly a man of accomplishments far beyond   Judge David B. Sentell, 33 , United States Court of
     those of ordinary men said, “If I have seen farther than  Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit said, “We cannot let
     others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of  our failure to grow or our fear to display our growth cause
     Giants.” That is how I feel.                           us to fail in carrying the light.” This fraternity has brought
                                                            together men from every culture, religion and race. All
      Here within this Grand Lodge are centered the hopes,  have sought that which we practice and teach.
     aspirations and faith of Montana Freemasonry.
                                                              Our age old traditions and noble ideals enrich our
      I  do not stand here as an advocate for any but Masonic  lives with new horizons of personal achievements. Being
     causes. Our cause is for issues that are Masonically  elected offi  cers of constituent lodge and serving as Grand
     fundamental and reach beyond the realm of any partisan  Lodge Offi  cers we have been off ered the opportunity for
     consideration. Our issues must be resolved on the highest  leadership in our lodge, our communities , our State.
     plan of Grand Lodge if our course is to prove sound and
     our future protected.                                    The great book of Proverbs 14:34 tells us: “righteousness
                                                            exalteth a nation.” The men who receive the distinguished
      When resolving our issues we, as Masons all agree on  honors of elected leadership have fed and fueled the
     the basic principles yet, we all have the right to disagree  divine fl ame of man’s moral potential, a spirit of the Great
     on policy. This is such an exciting time to be a leader and  Architect of the Universe places in each of us. This act is
     offi  cer in our Masonic fraternity, the possibilities for you  essentially selfl ess.  It seeks to serve others rather than
     as leaders are limitless.                              self and it seeks not its betterment of mankind. In this
                                                            profound sense, you the elected leaders are building a
      I look upon some pessimists in our fraternity as a mere  better America. You are citizens  in a practical civic sense
     announcement of the fact that they fi nd themselves not in  as well as leaders of moral character. You have the ultimate
     the state of mind as their fathers and regret the coming  notion of right that tends to universal good.
     state as a child dreads the water before he
     learns to swim. If there is any period on would desire to   Your acts, like compass direction, point us all to the
     be born it not the age of change and transaction?   polestar of responsible freedom. At liberty to act as you
     When the old and the new stand side by side and can  will, you have chosen to act responsibly, you have selected
     be openly compared; when the energies of all men are  the narrow street of right conduct in a good course. Your
     searched by fear and hope; when the historic glories of  membership appropriately honors your acts as you have
     the old can be compensated by the rich possibilities of the  honored this grand jurisdiction of Freemasonry and
     new era? This all times, is a very good one, if  America with your lives. In them, honor and life are one.
     we but know what to do with it.                        As the immortal Shakespeare wrote in Richard II, so each
                                                            honored Mason can say:
      Our Grand Lodge leadership has been blessed by having
     the mixture of the outspoken, the quiet, the reserved.
       Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 22                     Aug/Sept  2019 Volume 95 No .6
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