Page 23 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 23

“Mine honor is my life; both grow in one;               When Dudley, a slow moving, unmotivated salesman
      Rake honor from me, and my life is done.”             in the offi  ce, was not around one morning a customer
                                                            asked, “Where is Mister Dudley? He was told, “Dudley is
      Montana, in my opinion, off ers some of the best Masonic   not with the company any more.” “Is that so,” asked the
     Leadership potential in the northwest. We have leaders   customer, “Do you have anyone in mind for the vacancy?
     with specifi c qualities and if you, as an elected leader,   The boss replied “Mister Dudley didn’t leave a vacancy.”
     question these qualities, I would like to share them with
     you. They are three very basic leadership challenges.    In your elected leadership position...”Will you leave a
      1. Our leaders must possess positive attitude and
     imagination. We need leadership standards. We need to
     share them with our membership, they have a right to
     know what their leadership is thinking and the direction
     you wish to take.

      2. Our leaders must be able to bring a sense of excitement
     to their lodges. Leadership means “Being able to move
     men’s hearts.” To make them proud of their membership.
     It means being able to motivate them to action. We need
     to demonstrate our enthusiasm for Masonry before we
     can expect it from membership.

      3. Our leaders must possess a new vision for our
     fraternity; where do we want our lodge’s positioned in the
     21st century? How can we make the diff erence?

      This is the vision that puts Freemasonry on the map...
     Where it belongs!
      History insists that ideas, however wise, will not succeed
     in the absence of supporters, we are ...each of us...a
     supporter; united with our Brethren; we can succeed in
     our programs of enlightenment and education, which was
     gained for us by our forefathers through diligent vigilance,
     constant support and material sacrifi ce.

      Let’s not lose by one!

      We are serving our fraternity in a time when we can
     each practice the great tenants of Masonry. If each tenant
     is properly practiced...harmony of the body and soul will
     follow. May we each call on each other to practice harmony,
     brotherly love and friendship. May each of us have that
     sense of well being and promotion of the Masonic tenants
    by feeling a sense of joy and accomplishment.

      I hope and pray each of you feel a true sense of
    accomplishment and if you are lucky perhaps you just
    might feel, you just might feel, like you have stood on the
    shoulders of giants.

      Our elected leadership should have vision, vigilance,
     support and sacrifi ce. When we elevate men to elected
    ranks we must be assured that they have the leadership
    ability to “Make things happen.”
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 23                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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