Page 25 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 25

level! For the past several decades, we have been in the  is empty Temples. For some reason, this doesn’t seem to
     midst of a leadership crisis -- and it’s killing us.   disturb us because we just keep on repeating the same old
                                                            ceremonies -- all by ourselves.
      Let’s take a look at “Masonic leadership.” The major
     qualifi cation for being a leader in our Fraternity is time.   We’re experts in taking care of our buildings. We are
     If you can devote the time, you can get to the top. In the  proud of the way we respect our Masonic property.
     same way, leadership in Masonry is viewed as a “reward  Certainly, taking care of our buildings is better than to
     for good behavior.” If you do what you’re told, attend a  allow them to fall into disrepair. But, once again, we
     thousand meetings, and stay in line (in more than one  always seem to miss the point. Buildings are for activity
     way), you’ll get a jewel hung around your neck.        -- and there’s nothing happening of any signifi cance in our
                                                            Temples 99% of the time. Again, this doesn’t bother us
      We even think that “going through the chairs” is  enough to demand action from our leaders.
     “training.” As a matter of fact, it is training of sorts. But
     what does a man learn? One thing that’s important, he    We’re expert at putting men on committees. Take a
     learns how to play the game so that by the time he gets  look at the roster on any Masonic organization and you’d
     to the top he has achieved total ineff ectiveness. He is  think that with so many men involved, mountains could
     completely useless as a leader!                        be moved, every name is there. All are neatly printed. All
                                                            are in proper order. Yet, it doesn’t seem to bother us that
      If we take a closer look how we behave when it comes  our committees are little more than empty shells. They
     to leadership, the picture becomes quite clear. To put the  lack talent, skill and ability. For the most part, they have
     matter bluntly, we are experts in putting the emphasis in  no power or authority. They are to do as they are told. For
     all the wrong places. In other words, we do it backwards.  the most part, they are to do nothing.

      Masonry suff ers from what I call “The Mussolini        If we happen to fi nd a man with talent, we toss a
     Syndrome.” Benito Mussolini’s greatest achievement was  cabletow around his neck to make sure he doesn’t do
     making the trains run on time in Italy. The nation was in  anything new or diff erent! Or, as we say in the west, we
     total chaos, but the trains left the station on time -- every  hog tie him. We only want him to repeat what’s been done
     time. This is the way we are as Masons. Here are just a  the last 40 years.
     few examples.
                                                              With all this in mind, why doesn’t Masonry get strong,
      We are experts in getting meeting notices out -- on  creative leaders -- men who are capable of taking our
     time. We meet every deadline. We take pride in such  Fraternity into the 21st century?
     an accomplishment. The fact that no one comes to the
     meetings because they are so dull and boring doesn’t     The answer is clear: We don’t want strong leaders! We
     seem to distress us. We are experts in keeping accurate   don’t want new ideas. We don’t want interesting programs.
     records. No one in the world can hold a candle to us when   We don’t want excitement. We don’t want the boat rocked.
     it comes to record keeping! We are the best! The fact that   Anyone who tries to be “diff erent” by being innovative or
     the statistics are going down hill at an ever increasing rate   creative will have his wings clipped quickly by a group of
     doesn’t seem to bother us. The accuracy of the fi gures is   men with the term “Past” after their names. This is why
     more important than their meaning.                     we have the type of leaders -- at every level -- we do today.

      We are experts in making reports. Our reports are       Let’s face it. Our leaders clone themselves by bringing
     always in proper form. We always use just the right words   in replacements who are like themselves. Over and over
     and no one’s name is ever left out. We take inordinate   again it happens -- and nothing changes because nothing
     pride in our reports. The fact that 99% of our reports are   can change. This is our problem.
     totally meaningless doesn’t seem to faze us. We ignore
     the fact that our reports are all form, totally lacking in   A competent man with real leadership potential may
     meaningful content. And then we have the audacity to   love Freemasonry, but he is not going to spend his valuable
     repeat them year after year! Only the names and dates   time “doing what he is told,” knocking his head against a
     are changed.                                           brick wall, or going through the motions just to get to the
      We’re experts in holding ceremonies. Frankly, we’re
     good at ceremonies. We practice and practice. We aim at   In eff ect, the Masonic leadership message is clear:
     perfection. I suppose that’s a noble goal, in a way. What   Behave yourself. Put in the time. Don’t rock the boat. Do
     seems to escape us is that there’s no one there to see them.   as you’re told. Keep your mouth shut. If you speak, just
     The membership is disappearing and all we’re left with   echo what the “leader” has just said. Don’t come up with
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 25                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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