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in the most prosperous condition. Banks of issue had been   his appetite for ardent spirits several times during the twenty-
     established in nearly all the prominent towns and cities, and   four hours, for, like St. Paul, he believed it necessary for “the
     every State in the Union was fl ooded with paper money. As   stomach’s sake.”
     a consequence of this superabundance of money, every sort
     of property acquired a fi ctitious value, while speculation   How long my father continued a member of the Church I do
     ran high, scattering the seeds of ruin and destruction which   not know. He felt a deep interest in religious subjects, and his
     inevitably follow an over-abundant and unhealthy issue of   inquiring mind soon induced him to search closely after truth
     paper currency.                                        to guide him aright. But like many others who attempted to
                                                            gain knowledge from fallible writers, the more he read and
      President Andrew Jackson vetoed the bill passed by    thought on religious subjects, the more unsettled his mind
     Congress re-chartering the United States Bank and removed   became.
     the deposits of  specie belonging to the Government from the
     vaults of the banks to the Treasury of the United States. Then   Very few theologians agree in their religious theories, and
     came the fi nancial crisis which all thinking men had foreseen,   he who reads their respective writings with a view to acquire
     and which all prudent men had guarded against.         knowledge generally becomes more confused and perplexed
                                                            in his own convictions, and so it proved with my father. He
      Banks were unable to redeem their notes with gold and   also procured the works of Thomas Paine, Voltaire, Taylor
     silver; their paper at once became worthless, and the business  and other skeptical authors, and their plausible and erudite
     of the country was prostrated.                         arguments still further increased the uncertainty of his belief
                                                            until at last he became in religion what is known as a Free
      Before these disastrous results began to be felt by   Thinker - that is, one who does not deny the existence of a
     businessmen generally, my father had removed to Mt. Eaton,   First Great Cause, or a Being who controls and governs the
     in Wayne County, where he bought a suitable dwelling house   universe and all things therein contained, but doubts the
     for his family, intending to abstain from all business pursuits   divine origin of the Christian religion as practiced in more
     until after the country should recover from its fi nancial   modern days. Whatever may have been his religious opinions,
     prostration and trade and commerce, directed in their proper   he adhered strictly to the Golden Rule, and his walk-in life and
     channels, assume a sound and healthy condition. But he was   his intercourse with his fellow man were without reproach.
     not one of those who could long remain idle and bat a few
     weeks after he took up his abode in Mt. Eaton, he purchased   My father continued to reside at the tannery until autumn
     land adjoining the town and commenced the erection of   of 1836. On January 2 in that year, my brother, Hector Smith,
     a tannery. He lived in Mt. Eaton only long enough to build   was drowned in one of the vats in the tan yard, at the age of
     a neat and commodious dwelling upon his farm to which   three years and two months. He was a favorite child of my
     removed his family, I think in the autumn of 1834. It was in   father, and his death was greatly lamented.
     the year 1833 that the cholera prevailed so alarmingly all over
     the country, and the little town of Mt. Eaton did not escape its   This induced my father to sell the tannery, and he again
     terrible ravages. My father was attacked with the disease, but   purchased a stock of goods and commenced merchandising
     owing to the timely administration of remedies, and careful   in Mt. Eaton. There my sister Anne was born on December
     nursing and attention, he narrowly escaped the clutches of the   11, 1836. My father, in engaging in the mercantile business
     grim monster, Death.                                   at this time, acted contrary to the sure dictates of his own
                                                            better judgment, for he thought the country would soon be
       I think it was in the year 1834 that the “Great Revival” in   fi nancially prostrated, but believed he could make some money
     the Methodist Church extended all over the Western Country.   on the adventure. He, however, soon became convinced to the
     two very noted and powerful preachers, the Reverends   contrary opinion, and in the spring of 1837,  he was again out
     William Swazy and Mr. Smith, were sent to Mt. Eaton to   of business.
     disseminate Divine Truth, who soon succeeded in making
     darkness light to many of the most prominent citizens in and   My father now removed with his family to New Philadelphia.
     around the village.                                    In making this change I do not believe he had any settled policy
                                                            in view but was prepared to take advantage of circumstances
       My grandfather Clark was then residing in Mt. Eaton -  had  as they presented themselves. He resided in New Philadelphia
     been a member of the Church for several years - and his house   only about six months, I think, when he purchased a farm
     was thrown open for the accommodation of the ministers and   containing three hundred and twenty acres of land, laying
     elders, who made it their home while engaged in the “labors of   contiguous to Mt. Eaton, and at once proceeded to occupy it
     love.” My father and mother, together with all the members of   with his family.
     my Grandfather Clark’s family, were admitted within the folds
     of the Church, and led into “paths that they had not known.”  The farm was almost entirely unimproved and the only
                                                            building upon it was a log cabin, with one room below and a
       Father Swazy and Mr. Smith were frequent guests at my   loft above. I attended school in Mt. Eaton during the winter
     father’s house, their visits often extended for days and weeks.   and we lived in that cabin.
     Ministers of the Gospel at that day were not quite as abstemious
     as they are at the present time  , for Father Swazy indulged   With his accustomed energy, my father at once entered
       ----                                                 upon the improvement of his farm, the most important part of
      3. Again 1868.                                        which was the erection of a more comfortable dwelling house,
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