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that the claim on the lead assigned to him, was not equal in   was situated on the Little Sugar Creek, one of the tributaries
     any respect to that of the others and having no recourse he   of the  River.
     was compelled to submit to the award. My brother at one
     time owned 160 acres of land on the site on which Golden,   Like all others who claim descent from the old Dutch
     Colorado, now stands, which he sold for $5 and is now worth   families of New York and Pennsylvania, I am somewhat given
     millions. Pfouts made and lost half a dozen fortunes. He   to idle fancies, and possess a little of the leaven of superstition
     traded an ox team and wagon for an interest in the Bobtail   in my composition.
     mine, which made him wealthy. The Gregory Extension
     mine, which produced thousands, Pfouts had traded off  for   I have my lucky days, and good and bad omens, and keep
     a Mexican mule and lariat. He remained in Colorado until   very many observances with a great deal of fi delity. Friday is
     the year 1860, when he returned to St. Joseph, Missouri, and   reputed to be the most unlucky day of the week - but being
     accepted a position as clerk in the Post Offi  ce. He remained in   born on that day, I have always imagined it the reverse with
     the Post Offi  ce until Mr. Lincoln was inaugurated President of   me, and had I my choice, I would rather enter upon any
     the United States. He then accepted a situation of bookkeeper   important undertaking on Friday than any other days of the
     and cashier in the Gazette newspaper offi  ce in St. Joseph. He   week.
     remained in the offi  ce until the month of May and when the
     war of the Great Rebellion was inaugurated and Col. Cundiff    The number nine is generally esteemed a lucky one, and
     and myself were compelled to leave St. Joseph, he assumed   being ushered into existence on the ninth day of the month, I
     the position of one of the Editors and publishers of that paper.   cannot divert my mind of the superstition that it was favorable
     St. Joseph was occupied by Federal Troops, and their hostility   for me in some way or another, but in what particular I have
     to the Gazette newspaper on account of its antecedents and   never been able to determine. It is said the Goddess Venus
     its advocacy of States Rights doctrine, soon compelled it to   presides over the destinies of all those born on Friday.
     discontinue. He remained in St. Joseph until the spring of
     the year 1862. When he accompanied my family to Denver   I therefore console myself with the refl ection that should
     City in Colorado. In the following winter he bought a farm in   all my aims and aspirations in life prove a failure, my earthly
     the southern part of Colorado, intending to engage in stock   career was determined by the most beautiful of the ancient
     raising, but being disappointed in the purchase of cattle, he   deities-she who contended successfully for the prize of the
     maintained them only until the spring of the year 1864, when   Golden Apple with Inno and Minerva, upon which was
     he went to Virginia City, in Montana. He engaged as a clerk   inscribed, “For the Fairest.”   I would not divest my mind of
     with Mr. Samuel Russell and myself until the summer of the   these happy superstitions if I could, for they aff ord me pleasant
     year 1867, when he formed a partnership with Mr. Russell in   subjects for day dreams and serve to relieve the monotony of
     the mercantile business and remained there until 1868. My   many a weary hour.
     brother William was  a prominent character in the early life
     of Virginia City and Butte as a merchant and mining man [he   My father resided at the mill on Little Sugar Creek until I had
     died of cancer in Butte, MT on June 17, 1910.]         attained the age of about two years. Although my recollection
                                                            does not date back to the time when we lived at the mill, there
                                                            are several incidents connected with our residence there
                           Chapter 4                        worthy of mention in this history.
                 Of Myself -Paris Swazy Pfouts
                                                              My mother at one time, in an attempt to step across the head
      In noting down the few commonplace incidents in my    race of the mill, fell through and was immediately fl oated
     uneventful life, I am infl uenced by no motive other than   to the water wheel and carried around with it several times
     expressed in the Explanation in the beginning of the book   before she was rescued from her perilous situation. My father
     namely: That my children may know, if they so desire,   discovered her when she fell and ran to the lever and stopped
     something of their father’s history. I am not vain enough to   the wheel, after which he plunged into the tail race and
     believe it will prove of interest, or even be read by, anyone   brought here to the shore. The fright and severe contusions,
     but a member of my own family, for I shall confi ne myself   together with the water inhaled in her lungs, rendered her
     to facts, and the narrative would ill serve a stranger to while   insensible for a time, but proper restoratives soon returned
     away an idle hour. I know that my memory, like that of nearly   her sensibility and here usual good spirits.
     all others, will pass away almost with my life, and after a few
     yearly cycles, I will be remembered on earth no more forever.   In a history of this kind, I do not wish to indulge in the
     Some may ridicule what they deem my presumption, while   marvelous or relate incidents which may appear incredulous,
     I can feel naught but pity for their want of appreciation of   but I cannot refrain from telling a snake story which I know
     my true motives for writing a history of myself. I believe my   to be true and which I have heard my father and mother both
     children will feel grateful for the record I shall leave them,   relate to their friends, with the solemn assuredness that it
     and encouraged by this belief, I proceed with my undertaking.  actually transpired under their own observation.

      I was born on the morning of Friday, January 9, 1829, in the
     southwest corner of Stark County, in the state of Ohio. The   ---
     place of my birth at the time was known as Pfouts’s Mill. This   5. Pfouts evidently refers to the “Apple of Discord” and confuses Inno
     mill was built and owned by my father, George Pfouts, Jr., and   with Eris.
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 33                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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