Page 34 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 34

My father, as I have before written, was the Master of a   And, sure enough, by the side of the stump my father
     Masonic Lodge in Canton, Ohio, but for what length of time   discovered a black snake, about four feet long, with head raised
     he presided in the East I cannot tell.                 some eighteen inches from the ground and eyes fi xed intently
                                                            upon those of the boy. Alex was completely fascinated - all of
      Among the members of the Order was a gentleman named   his faculties for the time where suspended-he was unable to
     Lambert. Both Lambert and his wife died young, leaving an   move or speak until the infl uence was dispelled by the loud
     only son, a boy of a dozen years, Alexander by name, who   voice in which my father called to him.
     inherited nothing from his parents but a good name and
     pleasant, kind disposition.                              I have often been witness to the power exercised by snakes
                                                            over birds and other small animals, but this is the fi rst and
      My father, having some business in New Philadelphia   only time I ever knew of one casting its spell over a human
     when Mr. Lambert died, rode thee on horseback and, after   being. The snake was killed by my father and Alex returned
     arranging his aff airs, mounted to return home, when he   home.
     discovered Alex. The latter, seeing and recognizing my father,
     came up to him and smiling through his tears, said he was   Shortly after this the boy sickened and died, surrounded by
     cold and hungry, and there was no one to provide or care for   kind friends, who did all that was in their power to prolong
     him since his father’s death. Such an appeal was never made   his stay upon earth, but death claimed him, and his youthful
     in vain to the one addressed, for my father’s heart was ever   spirit winged its way across the unknown river. My mother
     fi lled to overfl owing with the milk of human kindness.  always indulged a little in strange fancies (who does not?) and
                                                            she believes to this day that killing a snake had something to
      He at once dismounted from his horse, took the boy to the   do with poor Alex’s early death.
     nearest eating house and had a warm dinner provided for him.
     After Alex had fully appeased the cravings of his appetite,   When I was about two years old my father changed his
     my father off ered him a home at his house, which off er was   residence to Bethlehem, now known as Navarre, on the Ohio
     accepted by the poor fellow with true gratitude. They rode   Canal, some twelve or fourteen miles from the mill, in the
     home together on the same horse, a distance of twenty miles.  same country where he engaged in merchandising. I can
                                                            recollect but one occurrence during the time we lived there-
      By his uniform good nature and the desire he always   the earliest I retain of myself-that of stoning a horse attached
     manifested to make himself useful, Alex soon rendered   to a wagon and causing him to run away. I remember I went
     himself a great favorite with both my father and mother. My   home frightened nearly out of my wits and believing I had
     father at this time was engaged in wool growing and his fl ocks   committed an unpardonable off ense. I believe I have kept this,
     fed on the hills around the mill, sometimes wandering off  for   what was to me a great secret, better than any other since, for
     miles.                                                 I do not recollect of ever mentioning it before now, although it
                                                            has been brought to mind often since it occurred.
      Winter and spring had come and passed since Alex had
     been an inmate of my father’s house, and the sultry days and   From Navarre my father moved to Mt. Eaton, in Wayne
     refreshing showers of summer had arrived. One morning,   County, where he  again engaged in merchandising pursuits.
     after a heavy rainstorm, the sun came out bright and warm   There I can remember my fi rst association with unprincipled
     from behind the clouds, when my father, accompanied by   boys, and they induced me to commit some serious as well
     Alex, started out in search of some lost sheep. A few hundred   as trifl ing acts of annoyance to my father, and which, as they
     yards from the house the two separated to meet again at a   were the fi rst, remain deeply impressed on my memory. But,
     designated point about a mile distant-my father taking the   as they are of a nature such as boys four or fi ve years old might
     longer way.                                            often indulge in, are unworthily of record.

      When he arrived at the point agreed upon, Alex was not to    My father had erected a tannery soon after arriving at Mt.
     be seen, and when my father called for him, but received on   Eaton and before he engaged in merchandising there. During
     answer. Concluded from this that Alex had found the sheep,   the time we lived at the tannery I arrived at an age thought
     he started in the direction of home, but was soon greatly   suitable and was sent to school to Mr. James Y. Pinkerton. His
     astonished at seeing the boy standing motionless near the   descendants are still living near Mt. Eaton, are wealthy, and
     stump of a tree. He called to him, but received no answer; he   own the tannery erected by my father. We lived at this tannery
     called louder, with the like result. He approached nearer and  for between two to three years, and the family increased to six
     called to him and at last was but a few yards distant-the boy  children, namely, Rebecca, Helen Mar, myself, Cora, Hector
     standing still as a statue-and somewhat angered by what he  Smith, and Lucretia.
     believed perverseness, fairly yelled: “Alex.”
                                                              Originally neither I nor Hector had a middle name, and
      The boy jumped about two feet high - seemed terribly  probably never would have received that mark of distinction
     frightened and when asked what he was doing there, replied,  had not a Methodist revival occurred in the village under the
     “Here is a snake!”  7                                  auspices of two noted preachers, named William Swazy and
                                                            that the children must be baptized to be saved, and at the time
     7. Apparently a Black Rat Snake.                       8.  1868
         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 34                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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