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in charge of the overland mail routes in Kansas and Nebraska.   Anne was born on the eleventh day of December 1836 at
     On November 2, 1862 he assumed command of the District of   Mount Eaton, Ohio. She married James Harvey Jones an
     Nebraska Territory and commanded until May 5, 1863 when   educated and accomplished gentleman. He was a native of
     he resigned owing to some diffi  culty between himself and   Virginia, and while a young man left home and settled St.
     General John Pope. He returned to St. Joseph, but soon after   Joseph, Missouri, where he engaged in merchandising. He
     accepted a commission as a Brigadier General in the forces of   was, however, unfortunate in business, and lost heavily by
     the State of Missouri and in 1864 and 1865 assigned the duty   dishonest and insolvent creditors. He was endowed  with
     in the District of North West Missouri. In 1866 he accepted   indubitable energy, and determination to retrieve his fallen
     the Presidency of the Hannibal and St. Joseph Railroad. In   fortunes. In company with two other gentlemen, he entered
     the year 1867 he was elected President of the St. Joseph and   into a contract for freighting supplies for the government
     Council Bluff s Railroad, and also President of the St. Joseph   across the plains to Salt Lake City, Utah. Owning to diffi  culties
     and Denver Railroad. Helen was the mother of six children.   with the Indians and interference of military commanders,
     Clara, the eldest married a Mr. Garth, and is living is St.   some of their wagon trains were delayed on the way until the
     Joseph. Ida, the second daughter, married Colonel Wilcox.   winter months prevented them from traveling. Their cattle
     The oldest son Louis is a Lieutenant in the United States Army   all  perished from cold and hunger, and Mr. Jones was again
     and Willard the second son died at the age of ten years. Her   overwhelmed in fi nancial ruin. He then engaged as a clerk in
     three youngest children Nellie, Benjamin and James are at   a mercantile house in St. Joseph, where he remained until the
     home with their father and mother. Mr. Craig died 21 October   later part of the year 1861, when he was ordered by the Federal
     1888. Helen died May 16, 1907. The city of Craig Missouri was   Military authorities to leave the State of Missouri on account
     named for  James Craig.                                of his outward sympathy with the cause of the Southern
                                                            Rebellion. He soon made an arrangement with the settlers at
      My sister Cora was born in Ohio in 1830. She was married   Fort Halleck to take charge of the stock at that point, receiving
     on the twenty seventh day of October 1847, at the age of   a share of the profi ts. He remained at Fort Halleck until the
     seventeen years, to Mr. Patrick L. McLaughlin, by whom she   1864, when he continued on westward to Salt Lake City,
     had one child. She resided in St. Joseph from the time of her   and engaged as a bookkeeper for one of the largest business
     marriage until her death, which occurred on the thirteenth   houses there. His family joined him in Salt Lake City, where
     day of May 1853,at the age of twenty -two years and four   he remained until the Spring of 1867 when he accepted the
     months. Her son lived but a few months after the death of his   position tendered him for Well Fargo Company in Denver
     mother, and a neat monument in the cemetery at St. Joseph,   City, Colorado, where he resides. Anne had but one child, a
     marks the last meeting place of both. Mr. McLaughlin married   daughter, Sarah was born in the year 1859.
     again and is still living in St. Joseph.
                                                              My sixth sister, Harriet Sophia  , was born at Mount Eaton,
      My brother Hector Smith born 15 November 1832,  was
     drowned in a Tan Vat near Mount Eaton, on the second day of   Ohio,  September 7, 1841.  She married Charles Weston Wright
     January 1836, aged of three years and two months.      in 1868 and rode with him in a covered wagon to Denver.
                                                            Charles W. Wright was an attorney and the last Attorney
      My sister Lucretia was married to Doctor Andrew S.    General for the Territory of Colorado. Harriet Wright moved
     Holladay on the twenty-seventh day of November 1851, at   to Tucson with her husband in 1888 and remained until 1900
     the age of seventeen years. He at once took up his residence   at the time of her husband’s death. In 1900 she moved to Los
     in Brownsville, Nebraska, where they have since continued   Angeles where she remained until her death in 1932. Her son,
     to reside. He opened a small Drug Store and engaged in the   John B. Wright was the last Attorney General for the Territory
     practice of Medicine. In 1856, Dr. Holladay was elected as   of Arizona.
     the fi rst Mayor of Brownsville, he the second Postmaster of
     Brownsville. The Doctor had acquired a good knowledge of   My brother William George was born 8 December 1842,
     his profession, and in February 1851, he graduated from the   at Mount Eaton, Ohio. In 1857 when still a boy William,
     Medical Department of the St. Louis University. Soon after   went to Colorado and was with Captain Gregory when that
     his removal to Brownsville he was elected a member of the   gentleman discovered the famous gold load which bears his
     Territorial Legislature of Nebraska, and was continued in that   name. With John Gregory, Pfouts was the fi rst man to reach
     offi  ce for several years, and at intervals editing the newspaper   the place where Central City, Colorado, now stands. He
     for publish at that place. During the Great Rebellion of the   arrived at Denver in the winter of 1858, after many thrilling
     Southern States, he was appointed an assistant Surgeon in the   encounters with Indians during the trip overland from Kansas
     Army and assigned to duty in General Craig’s Command. He   with emigrants. My brother was the only one of the party who
     remained with General Craig for several months, where, at   had a horse, or any money and Gregory induced him to return
     his own request, he was detailed as a Surgeon to an Indian   to Denver City for provisions for the mining party, promising
     Regiment then being organized in southern Kansas. Shortly   him that his interests in the discovery should be duly watched
     after he was stationed at Fort Halleck, where he remained   in his absence. On his return from Denver, my brother found
     until the spring of 1864. He again returned to Brownsville,   5. Th  e book by Anne Leigh Goodman - Her Book of Genalogy, 1921.
     where he re-opened his Drug Store and returned to the   Harriet Pfouts Wright, (I write these out for my dear little neice (sic) with
     practice of his profession. Since the close of the war he has   a heart full of Love.) She references the National Societies eligible for
                                                            Colonial Dames through Col Nicholas Greenberry, for D.A.R.s through
     served one or two Sessions in the Nebraska Legislature. They   Azel Warfeild, Greenberry Griffi  th, Hezekiah Griffi  th. See archives of
     have two children, both daughters, named respectively, Mary   Maryland Vol. 16 for Daughters of 1812 through James Clark. For U.D.C.
                                                            through Col Paris S. Pfouts, Confederate Army.
     and Helen.
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