Page 26 - MFM Aug Sept 2019
P. 26

new ideas. Bow and scrape. Don’t question anything. And,   That’s possible because the times are right. But it
     if you’re a good fellow, you’ll get the Masonic goodies. In  will only happen if we have leaders with courage and
     other words, we have exactly what we want and what we  conviction.
     deserve: a Fraternity of petty and pathetic bureaucrats --
     and it’s killing us.                                     So, what’s my advice? How do we get leaders who can
                                                            make a diff erence? Frankly, we need men who are willing
       If this is the current leadership situation, what needs to  to be daring. I recommend this approach:
     change to meet the challenge of the decade ahead -- and
     beyond? We need leaders with very specifi c qualities:   “If you have a good idea, go ahead and do it because it
                                                            is much easier to apologize than it is to ask permission.”
       Our leaders must possess imagination. We need
     leadership standards. We need job descriptions for       I realize that such a strategy is subversive, but saving
     leadership positions. We need to get down on paper what   our Fraternity makes it right for the times. In the same
     we expect from those who guide us. What are their goals   way, we must start ignoring the past and start adoring the
     and objectives? What do they want to accomplish while   future. We’ve looked in the ‘rear-view’ mirror long enough.
     in offi  ce? The membership has a right to know what our
     leaders are thinking. What are their ideas? Are they just   Finally, we must stop worrying about how important
     carbon copies of those who have gone before them, or do   we are and start thinking seriously about what it’s going
     they possess the abilities necessary to move our Fraternity   to take to save Freemasonry. That’s leadership. And that’s
     forward?                                               setting the pace.
       Our leaders must be able to bring a sense of excitement
     to the Fraternity. Frankly, we should get down on our
     knees every day and thank God for our members. No
     single group of men puts up with more dull nonsense
     than do the Masons of America! And then they keep on
     paying their dues year after year!
                                                            Reprinted from “The Masonic Trowel”, http://www.themasonictrowel.
       Leadership means being able to move men’s hearts,    com/.  A presentation of John R. Graham, 33º, Northern Jurisdiction
     to make them proud of their Masonic membership.        Scottish Rite, Scottish Rite regional work shops. Reprinted from the
     Leadership means being able to motivate men to action.   Southern California Research Lodge Papers, by Kena Computer Club, the
     It means getting Masons to come out of the closet and   home of Hiram’s Oasis, the Masonic Computerized Bulletin Board, 703-
     demonstrate their enthusiasm for the Fraternity.       938-4990.
       Masonic leadership means a willingness to take bold
     steps. The job today is one of getting Masonry on TV and
     in the newspapers. It’s being out in front and highly visible.
     Yet, we seem to think we’re doing something important if
     we have a booth at a county fair. That’s nothing. We need
     blimps! If we don’t start thinking big, we’re through.

       Our leaders must possess a new vision for our Fraternity.
     Where do we want Freemasonry to be in the year 2000?
     How are we going to get there? What must happen to
     get things moving? How are we going to mobilize the
     resources so that we make a diff erence? This is the vision
     that can put Masonry on the map -- where it belongs.

       If a man does not have this kind of vision, if he does not
     possess the skill to make things happen, then he should
     not be elevated to a leadership position.

       Masonry can once again provide men with status,
     prestige and infl uence.

         Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 26                                            Aug/Sept  2019    Volume 95 No .6
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