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Montana Freemason  January 2016                                Volume 92 Number 1

                                RESOLUTION FORMAT

These instructions provide the accepted protocol on formatting and styling to be used in
drafting resolutions for Grand Lodge legislation for its deliberation at annual communications.
Resolutions not submitted in accordance with these instructions will be returned to the submitting
lodge for re-drafting, or reformatting by the Jurisprudence Committee.

The formatting and drafting requirements are as follows:

1. The heading is “Resolution No.________.”(Leave this blank)

2. A resolution may only contain one subject which is clearly stated in its title.

3. The title of the resolution is placed under the heading with a double spaced separation.
The title must state concisely what the resolution proposes to do. If the resolution proposes
amending a section of the Constitution or the Code, the section must be stated in the title.

4. The resolution may not contain any recitals or whereas clauses within the resolution. A
detailed argument and explanation for the resolution may be set forth on a separate page
attached to the resolution, which is entitled “Proponent’s Explanation of Resolution for [title
of Resolution]. The proponent’s explanation may not exceed one page, single spaced, with no
smaller than 11 point type. It may be written in outline or narrative form. It is recommended
that the explanation briefly explain the present situation or status quo and should explain how
the proposed resolution improves or corrects the present situation. If the explanation exceeds
one page in length, additional pages beyond the first page will not be sent out to the lodges with
the resolution and will be destroyed.

5. The resolution portion must read “Be it resolved that:” Each amended section will be in
a sequentially numbered paragraph that reads: “Section____of the [Constitution or Code] be
amended as follows:” Each new section will likewise be in a sequentially numbered paragraph
that reads: “New Section of the [Constitution or Code] be enacted as follows:”

6. If a section is proposed to be amended, the entire section must be included in the body of
the resolution. Additions of text to a section are shown by underline and if desired may be
also in bold font or italicized. In any case additions must be underlined. Deletions of text
are shown by strikethrough. Either single or double strikethrough may be used, though single
is preferable. Be sure to use underlines for added punctuation and strikethroughs to delete
unnecessary punctuation. Also note that underlines and strikethroughs are used to add or delete
paragraph letters or numbers.

7. When a new section is proposed, even though a new number may be proposed for the section,
the Grand Secretary, as codifier, will assign a number to the section.

8. When a section is amended or a new section is proposed, check other sections in both the
Code and Constitution that be affected by the amendment or new section. These sections must
be amended in the resolution by setting forth the entire section, with additions by underline and
deletions by strikethrough. These Resolution Drafting Instructions were adopted 6 December
2003, by order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free
and Accepted Masons of Montana, and are for use in submission of resolutions at the 2016
Annual Communication. Please include both a paper copy and an electronic copy of proposed
legislation. All legislation for the 150th Communication must be received by February 25, 2016.

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