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Montana Freemason                   January 2016  Volume 92 Number 1

                   Sesquicentennial Minute

                       THE GRAND LODGE A.F.&A.M. OF MONTANA
    On the twenty-fourth (24th) day of January, Anno Domini 1866, and Anno Lucis 5866,
at 12 o’ clock at noon at the Masonic Hall in Virginia City the following Lodges were found
to be represented and present, as follows: Virginia City Lodge No. 43; Montana Lodge No.
9 and Helena City Lodge No. 10.
    The Convention was called to order by Bro. John J. Hull, W. M. of the Senior Lodge; W.
F. Sanders and L. C. Lee were appointed Secretaries.

                                          Virginia City Lodge No. 43
        John J. Hull, W. M.; Wilbur F. Sander, S. W.; L. Trapp, J. W.; and Brothers
        Samuel L. Wells, M. L. Strasburger, Sol Star, Nat. J. Davis, F. C. Cornell and F.
        C. Deimling, Master Masons.

                                             Montana Lodge No. 9
        Leander W. Frary, W. M.; Luther C. Lee, S. W.; Hugh Duncan, J. W.; and
        Brothers Henry Metz and Samuel Word, Master Masons.

                                          Helena City Lodge No. 10
        Cornelius Hedges, W. M.; R. P. Sealy, S. W.; C. W., J. W.; and Brothers H. M.
        Fee and John Potter, Master Masons.

    Brother Leander W. Frary offered for adoption the following resolution:
      Resolved, That the several Lodges of Ancient Masons in the Territory of Montana,
here represented, consider it a matter of right and for the general benefit of Masonry that
they ought to form a Grand Lodge within said Territory, and do now proceed to form and
organize themselves into a Grand Lodge accordingly, to be known and distinguished by the
name of “The Grand Lodge of Montana.”
    The resolution was adopted and the Convention stood adjourned, and the officers of the
three Lodges proceeded, in due form, to open a Grand Lodge.

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