Page 14 - MFMJan 2016
P. 14

Sol Star’s PGM Jewel
9th Grand Master of Montana, 1873

  The Past Grand Masters Jewel of the         From a Masonic point of view, Mike
Ninth Grand Master of Montana, Sol          Rodman, RWDGM of South Dakota,
Star who was elected in 1873. It was        during a conversation with MWPGM
recently rediscovered in the archives       Jim Savaloja, Past Grand Master of
of the Adams Museum in Deadwood,            Masons in North Dakota, in which
S.D.                                        he mentioned a conversation he had
                                            with Reid Gardiner, Grand Secretary
  From the Proceedings of the 10th          of Montana about a Sol Star Masonic
Annual Communication of the Grand           artifact in possession of the Adam’s
Lodge of Montana (Day 3) October            Museum. Brother Rodman contacted
7, 1874. “ Resolved, That the hearty        Carolyn Weber, Executive Director
thanks of this Grand Lodge and the          of Deadwood History, Inc., and asked
entire Masonic Craft of Montana are         them to research their archives for
due and the same are hereby extended        the artifact and M. W. Brother Jim
to M. W. Grand Master Star for his          Savaloja and Brother Rodman along
faithful and successful administration      with Deadwood Lodge Members
of the many large, delicate, and difficult  Fred Ormitson and Paul Holtsclaw
duties of that high office, and that the    were treated to a private viewing of
Deputy Grand Master be requested to         the PGM award by curator Rachel
appoint a committee to procure some         Lovelace-Portal.
suitable testimonial to present to Bro.
Star in the name of this Grand Lodge          An article is forth coming in the
as a more permanent expression of our       South Dakota Messenger publication.
appreciation of his services.

                                             I Am Freemasonry

                                                       Ray Vaughan Denslow, FPS
 I AM FREEMASONRY, I was born in antiquity, in the ancient days when men first dreamed of God. I have been
 tried through the ages and found true. The crossroads of the world bear the imprint of my feet, and the cathedrals
 of all nations mark the skill of my hands. I strive for beauty and symmetry.
 IN MY HEART is wisdom and strength and courage of those who ask. Upon my altars is the Book of the Holy
 Writ, and my prayers are to the One Omnipotent God. My sons work and pray together, without rank or discord,
 in the public mart and in the inner chamber. By signs and symbols I teach the lessons of life and death, and the
 relationship of man with God and of man with man.
 MY ARMS ARE WIDESPREAD to receive those of lawful age and good report who seek me of their own free
 will. I will accept them and teach them to use my tools in the building of men, and thereby, find direction in their
 own quest for perfection so much desired and so difficult.
 I LIFT UP the fallen and shelter the sick. I hark to the orphan’s cry, the widow’s tears, the pain of the old and
 destitute. I am not church, nor party, nor school, yet my sons bear a full share of responsibility to God, to country,
 to neighbor and themselves. They are freemen, tenacious of their liberties and alert to lurking danger.
 AT THE END I commit them as each one undertakes the journey beyond the vale into the glory of everlasting
 life. I ponder the sand within the glass and think how small is a single life in the eternal Universe. Always have I
 taught immortality, and even as I raise men from darkness into light, I am a way of life.

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