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Montana Freemason  January 2016  Volume 92 Number 1

A Call for Historical Montana Masonic Artifacts

                              With the 150th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Montana fast approaching,
                              the curator of your Montana Masonic Museum is planning an exhibition which
                              will open in June 2016 and run through December 2016. The Museum is a hive
                              of activity with new exhibits planned or under development and older exhibits
undergoing an update and/or expansion.
Plans include a new section relative to DeMolay history. The Cornelius Hedges section is also expanding.
New museum items are being added, plus others, long hidden in storage due to lack of space, are making
their debut. The focus of the exhibition is Montana Masonic history from 1866 to present.
I am asking all Lodges and members to look for and consider loaning or gifting the following general types
of items for these exhibits:
1. Items of the Order of DeMolay, such as banners, hats, jewels from Chapters that have closed, items of
well-known Senior DeMolay’s, etc...
2. Unique or interesting items that once belonged to Past Grand Masters or well-known Montana Masons.
3. Historically significant or unique artifacts that are being held by a Lodge.
4. Items unique or significant to Montana Masonic history.
Help preserve Montana Masonic history and celebrate the fraternity that shaped Montana over the past 150
We have loan and gift agreements that can be utilized to ensure provenance and ownership.
We look forward to hearing from anyone with treasures that may be appropriate. Contact the Grand Lodge
Office at 406 442-7774.

Brian J. Murphy
Grand Master

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