Page 14 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 14

Which Of The Three Degrees Has Made The Largest Personal Impact
                                               Upon Your Life?

                                          Bro. Mark Wilkie-Facchin

      Many  believe my favoritism  of  the  third  degree  is  rope to strangle myself. With tears streaming down
     because of what most brethren say; the ambiance,  my face, I put the makeshift noose over my head, and
     the overall theme, the story, etc. My reasoning goes a  as I did, something strange happened. Everything in
     little deeper than that, and while I’m a very outgoing  my life   ashed before my eyes, the faces of those whom
     person, I’ve never fully told this story to anyone other  I cared about played in my vision, and the girl who I
     than my wife and closest friends. I’ve come to see not  liked smiled at me in my head and despite everything,
     only my Lodge but all of Masonry as another family. I  I realized, I couldn’t do it.
     feel comfortable sharing this with all of you now.
                                                                 e next day, I walked in a cloud of embarrassment
      2003, the year I turned sixteen, and the world was  and shame. I felt I was a coward because I couldn’t do
     to be my oyster. Or, at least it would have if I had  it when the time came but little by little, the shame
     been considered amongst the “popular” teenagers at  passed and I found more and more to be grateful for.
     the time. Unfortunately for me, I was the heavier kid,     e droning of that individual was silenced and over-
     which meant life was hard in more ways than one.  taken by the sounds of laughter, conversation, and
     Girls had little to no interest in me, sports were for-  growth.
     eign to me, and while I was blessed with two very close
     friends, we stood out like a sore thumbs insomuch as    You’re probably wondering, while this is a sad story,
     we, as “outcasts,” found commonality amongst each  what does any of this have to do with Freemasonry
     other.                                                 and the topic of this essay? Let’s move to the night of
                                                            my 3rd degree.
      On the surface, things seemed all right; I wasn’t at
     the top of the food chain, but I got by and for the most   I had worked, studied, and learned all I could as a Fel-
     part, that was ok with me. While other kids can be  lowcraft and was ready to knock upon the door once
     mean, they mostly left me alone. Only one stood out  more and ask to learn the secrets of a Master Mason.
     as the classic “bully” for me. He made it his business  When the door opened, I was taken aback at just how
     to make me feel as horrible about myself as possible.  di  erent the room looked and felt. Something was o  ,
     It started small with a comment here, a joke at my ex-  there was no smiling faces to look out at for support,
     pense there, but soon escalated to what I realize now  all seemed somber, and something seemed wrong.
     to be psychological torment. I quickly dreaded going
     to school and while the anti-bullying campaign has       My guides led me further inward, and as I passed
     grown by leaps and bounds, the guidance counsel-       the wardens to prove my pro  ciency, the somber feel-
     ors at that time were content to gently nudge me into  ing grew. I had noticed the word death repeated more
     “solving my own problems” because, after all, I was  than once, and my eyes darted around the room, not
     “bigger than him.”                                     wanting to miss a single detail. I took my obligation,
                                                            the words hitting me and staying with me as if I were
      November 9th, 2003, will be a day that will remain in  handed a great weight, which was now my burden to
     my mind for the rest of my life. It will stand as a testi-  bear. As I looked at my brethren, I could now see that
     mony of not only what can happen if something is left  each of them carried a similar weight.
     unchecked for too long, but also as a reminder to nev-
     er walk that path again.    e evening of November 9,    After, as I stood in the north alone, I felt very vul-
     2003, was the night I had planned to commit suicide.  nerable.    e hairs on my arms stood up, and I got a
     Even writing those  words now  brings  a small chill  feeling in the pit of my stomach that I should be wary
     across my body. I had endured enough and, to me, it  of something; a feeling of unknown dread hit me. At
     seemed no one was interested in helping me and so, to    rst, I wasn’t sure what the feeling was to put a name
     avoid any more torment, this was my best option.       to it, but I knew I had felt it before though I wasn’t sure
      I wrestled with the decision for weeks before   nal-
     ly realizing I had no other option. I wrote a note and   As the lecture reached its conclusion, I found myself
     cleared out my closet. I had planned on using a bit of  down and motionless. I was as the earth beneath me,

          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 14                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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