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I was now the only Mason in the family. I attended
     his funeral in my regalia with my family. When the
     time came for the Masons to enter and pay their last
     respects, I stood up, and I stood out. I stood alone
     amongst the seated congregation.

      I stood there as forty minutes passed by along
     with what was estimated to be over 200 Masons and
     Shriners all paying their last respects one at a time
     in that age-old Masonic tradition. I was awed.    is
     was for my father, our brother. As I stood there, my
     thoughts turned to my grandfather when I visited
     him as his health was failing. I recalled the last thing
     he said to me, both of us knowing we would never see                        Oct 5, 2019
     each other again before he passed.
                                                                     At the Hall of Deer Lodge No. 14
       “Trust in God James…Put your faith in God.” he                   Banquet Celebrating their
     said as he let go of my hand when we   nally parted. At              150th Anniversary and
     the time, I was not yet a Mason, and I simply thought
     he was just saying goodbye in his own way, so the                   100th  Anniversary of the
     meaning of his words had no depth or true relevance                      Lodge Building
     for me. Come forward to today. Now I am Junior
     Warden of my Lodge.                                       Deer No. 14, Deer Lodge, Montana was Chartered
                                                             on October 6, 1869.    e   rst Lodge building was
                                                             a two-story brick veneered building built in 1870
      I’ve noticed doing work in the Lodge now feels         which was located on one of the lots where the
     di  erent than before.                                  second Lodge building was built. Fifty years later,
                                                             after adding more land to the location, a three-
         ere is a new depth of understanding to the words    story brick building was built with the cornerstone
     and their meaning, and I have found an inner passion    laid on September 17, 1919.    e First Lodge meeting
     to make it all come to life that wasn’t there when I    in the new building was held on March 16, 1920.
     was  younger.  Some  would  say  it  is  simply  just  age
     and experience.    at may be true, but I think I have a      e Current building was designed using
     di  erent answer. While studying the Junior Wardens     Renaissance and Classical Revival style, with a
     lecture, I had an epiphany.                             stone or cement arched door surrounded with an
                                                             arched light, pilasters marking the lodge entry,
      I came to understand on a completely di  erent level   three-story corner pilaster capped with animate
     what my grandfather was truly trying to tell me. I      objects, and ornate dropped stone cornice made of
     also realized that this lecture was likely performed    crosses, and recessed arched brickwork over each
     by my father, both my grandfathers and my uncle and     window.    e Lodge meets on the third   oor the
     that by performing this work myself I am connected        rst and second   oors are rented or leased out.
     to them through it. Now when I stand in Lodge, I have
     the con  dence of   ve men, because I know they stand
     with me. When I move within the Lodge, I walk in
     their footsteps, and when I give the Junior Wardens
     lecture, I speak with the passion of all their voices.

      It  is  the  Junior  Wardens  lecture  that  brought  me
     to  this  realization.     is  is  why  I  hold  the  entered
     apprentice degree close to my heart. It’s also where
     those departed  brothers  I  hold  so dear  continue to

     Reprinted from the Ontario Mason Magazine, Spring

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