Page 22 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 22

The Purple Of Our Fraternity
                             May Rest Upon Your Honored Shoulders

                                        Compiled by Reid Gardiner, Editor

      Let us consider what we want in a leader and look       MWPGM Je   Carlton of Arizona said:  “As Masons,
     again toward probably the most well known and  we continue to trust each other when we should be
     respected leader - George Washington, our Masonic  testing. We need to take a long look at whom we are
     Leaders, whether it be a Worshipful Master of a Lodge  appointing and tendering to the Craft as appointees
     or our Grand Master, should be capable and proven  for their consideration as the future head of Masonry
     leaders. Most all of us at one time or another have heard  in our states. We have people who  are dropping
     a Grand Lodge O   cer say that he was never trained to  out  of the  line, who are  not elected, and  who are
     be a leader and if that is so, we need to reassess how  eventually removed from the line because they are not
     we are selecting our Worshipful Masters and Grand  quali  ed.    ey fail to meet our expectations, or we
     Masters and stop just electing them because he is the  have failed to make them understand that which they
     next in line. Moreover, they should Lead Like George.  are undertaking. Is this not a disservice to both the
     We have many examples of how Brother Washington  individual and to the ultimate welfare of Masonry?  We
     demonstrated exemplary leadership.                     need to put more time and e  ort into vetting. Vetting
                                                            is the process of investigating someone thoroughly,
      George Washington did not feel the need to put  especially in order to ensure that they are suitable for
     himself   rst or make things all about him; he led  a job requiring secrecy, loyalty, or trustworthiness.”
     by example. He was always there with his men and
     never asked them to do what he himself would not         Before we can investigate and conduct our vetting,
     do. Washington was a servant leader. He cared about  we need to know what we are looking for and want.
     his men; they knew he cared about them. Washington  We need to know and address what we expect from a
     led and set the example of what he expected. We too  Grand Lodge O   cer, we hope that we will   nd those
     expect that our Masonic Leaders will accomplish not  who have some minimum known and demonstrated
     only what is expected of a Mason but that they will  leadership and management skills (though we seem
     do so at a higher standard because we have entrusted  to have a hard time   nding such brothers), but they
     them to lead.                                          must have these minimum talents prior to becoming
                                                            an elected Grand Lodge O   cer. As we look to those,
         e various reasons for the revolutionary war  who may in time become a Grand Master we need to
     included rejecting the idea of a King who wanted to  keep in mind that they will need to   ll several roles,
     force the concept that he was ordained by God to rule.  that of the ceremonial head of the organization, and
     Brother Washington also knew that the establishment  also President of two corporations (as in Montana),
     of a republic where the people were the sovereign was  and also a   duciary role and its responsibilities.
     necessary for it to succeed and was more important
     than having one man lead as a King.  God does not        MW  Brother  Carlton  also  said,  “   e  duties
     ordain our Masonic leaders, including the Grand  and responsibilities of the o   ce determine the
     Master; they are elected and installed to be stewards  quali  cations to be appointed a Grand Lodge O   cer.
     and servant leaders of the Craft. Washington was well  Testing a man to learn how well he meets those
     aware that both our civil and Masonic leaders need to  quali  cations is critical to ensuring quality leadership
     be servant-leaders. We need our leaders to follow the  for our Grand Lodges. Isn’t it an application of applying
     example set by George Washington and assume the  the level and the square?
     role as a servant in his relation to all the members of
     the Lodge and Grand Lodge, focusing on the needs of      We need  a plan for  how we  institute the vetting
     the Craft.                                             process for Grand Lodge  O   cers. Remember  when
                                                            we appoint a Grand Lodge O   cer, we are making a
      Washington placed the welfare of his men ahead of  statement to the Craft not only about ourselves but,
     his own. What Washington demonstrated was why he  that is our recommendation for your potential Grand
     was willing to give everything, and it was not for his  Master.    ereby placing our integrity and judgment
     glory, it was for the case and for the welfare of those  under the scrutiny of the fraternity.    e man who will
     who looked up to him and trusted him. It is not about  make the best Grand Master is the one who knows,
     being a Worshipful Master or about being “the Grand  and will never forget, that the most important apron
     Master” It is about the Craft.                         he will ever wear is the one given to him as an Entered
                                                            Apprentice Mason.”
      Leadership is a responsibility; it’s not about being
     in  charge; it’s  about  taking  care  of  those  in  your

          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 22                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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