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Masonic brotherhood. His ambition is to use the Templar   A few years ago, while editing Masonic magazine, I
     cross on his chest. If entered the Scottish Rite, the Lodge of   received a letter from a subscriber who was the Grand
     Perfection will not give you content, although this degree   Orator of a certain Grand Lodge and wished to discontinue
     provides material for months of study. He has risen, higher   their subscription. To mention a reason, he said
     and higher on the scale and persevering e  orts, can get
     to the top of the rite and be invested with the grade 33,   “Although the work contains a lot of valuable information,
     but little absorbed any knowledge of the organization of   I have no time to read because all this year dedicates to
     the Rite or sublime lessons it teaches. He has reached the   teaching.”
     height of his ambition and is authorized to use the double-
     headed eagle.                                            I can only imagine what a teacher like this man should
                                                            teach, and students should instruct.
      Such Masons are not distinguished by the amount of
     knowledge they possess, but by the number of the jewelry      is article is greater than I intended it to be. But I feel
     they wear.    ey give   fty dollars a medal, but do not give   the importance of the subject.    ere are more than four
       fty cents for a book.                                hundred thousand active Masons. How many of them are
                                                            active  readers?  Half or a  tenth? If  only a  quarter  of  the
         ese men are causing injury to Freemasonry.    ey can   members who are in the Order read and did not depend
     be called mere “ringing,” but in practice, they are more than   only on the visits to their stores to get knowledge, they
     that.    ey are the wasps, the deadly enemy of industrious   would certainly have higher notions.    rough them,
     bees.    ey give a bad example for the younger Masons,   friendly scholars would feel encouraged to  discuss their
     discourage the growth of Masonic literature, away from   knowledge and give the public the results of their thoughts
     intellectual men who  would be  willing to disseminate   and good masonic magazines would enjoy a prosperous
     the Masonic science to other   elds, depress the energies   existence.
     of our writers, and debase the character of speculative
     Freemasonry as a branch of mental and moral philosophy.   At present, the reason there are few Masons who read the
     When profane see men who have high levels and positions   Masonic books hardly of more than pay publishers printing
     in the Order, which are almost as ignorant as themselves on   expenses, while the authors did not receive anything and
     the principles of Freemasonry and, if asked, they would say   the Masonic magazines are being year after year, taken
     that they regard only as a social institution,         to the Literary Museum, where the bodies of deceased
                                                            publications are deposited, and worst of all, Freemasonry
     One should not conclude that all Masons should be      resists blows depressing.
     instructed Masons or that everyone who starts; they
     must be to devote himself to the study of science and    A Mason who reads even a little, even if it is only the
     Masonic Literature.    is expectation would be senseless   pages of the monthly magazine that subscriber, you will get
     and irrational. Men are not equally competent to capture   higher prospects of the institution and enjoy new pleasures
     and retain the same amount of knowledge. Order, says the   hold such views.
     Pope, the Order is the   rst law of heaven, and some are, and
     must be greater than the other, richer and wiser.        Masons who do not read will never know anything of the
                                                            inner beauty of speculative Freemasonry and are happy to
      All I say is that when a candidate enters Freemasonry,   assume it’s something like “Odd Fellowship,” or the Order
     he should feel that there is something better than mere   of the Knights Phytias but older. Such Mason is aloof. It has
     touches and signs, and should strive with his ability to   not been an established passion.
     achieve some knowledge.    is is your best goal.
                                                              If this indi  erence, instead of being curbed, the result is
      He should not seek to advance to higher degrees until   very clear. Freemasonry no longer has a higher position,
     you know something lower, not to cling to positions unless   as it is hard to keep, through the e  orts of its researchers,
     he has already gained a reputation with some Masonic   and our stores, instead of being sources of speculative
     knowledge, the performance of a post below. I once knew   and philosophical thought, it will turn into social clubs or
     a brother whose greed for positions led him to occupy high   societies with to pro  t. With so many competitors in these
     o   ce in his store, then Grand Master of jurisdiction and     elds, their struggle for a prosperous life will be very hard.
     throughout this period never read a Masonic book or try to
     understand the meaning of a single symbol. In the year he      e ultimate success of Freemasonry depends on the
     was president of his shop, he always found it appropriate   intelligence of its members.
     to have an excuse for his absence from the store sessions
     that were to confer degrees. However, for his personal and
     social in  uences, I have managed to rise in the hierarchy,
     above those who were above him in Masonic knowledge.
        ey were really above it, they all knew something, and   Written by Albert G. Mackey  - Published in 1875 and
     they knew nothing. If he had stayed in the rear, no one   reprinted in “    e Master Mason “ in October 1924.
     would have complained. But where he was, and taking
     advantage of his position, he had no right to be ignorant.
        eir presumption was an o  ense.

          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 21                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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