Page 23 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 23

MW Brother Jason Jefcoat, Grand Master of               MWPGM Brother James Ratchford, of Alberta,
     Mississippi, said it this way: “I truly believe that right  said: “As we progress through our Masonic career
     now the single biggest problem we as a fraternity face  we will have many opportunities to take on di  erent
     is a lack of leadership.  Leadership is not about a title.   o   ces, with di  erent roles and responsibilities. We
     It is about doing what we say we will do and keeping  sometimes accept these without really understanding
     our word.  It is not about being popular.  It is about  the duties associated with the o   ce. However, we are
     accomplishments.  What have we accomplished?           expected to be able to ful  ll all the obligations of that
                                                            o   ce. If this scenario sound familiar, you should not
      Harry  Truman  said,  “Men  make  history  and  not  be surprised to hear that some of you should have said
     the other way around. In periods where there is no  “no” to accepting the o   ce.
     leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when
     courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to       is problem is particularly serious at the Worshipful
     change things for the better.”                         Master or the Most Worshipful Grand Master level. We
                                                            have many people who, because of their personalities,
      MW  Brother  Jefcoat  continued:  “News    ash,  should not be pushed to through progression to o   ce.
     getting elected or appointed to an o   ce is not an  We have seen members pushed because there was no
     accomplishment. It is only an opportunity.  Too many  one else to take an o   ce.
     times, we witness members who are installed to an
     o   ce, and their only accomplishment is showing up.        e right thing would be to either accept the
                                                            shortcoming of a Brother or advise him not to
      As long as I have been participating in Congressional  take o   ce or continue in a progression. It is the
     Schools and attending Grand Lodge, I have heard  responsibility of every member to carefully and
     about membership numbers declining.  To the Master  thoughtfully select those who will lead, direct, and
     Mason that has never had the opportunity to see how  nurture the health of a Lodge and Grand Lodge.
     grand we remember our former Masonic Temple, this
     is the equivalent of the old men crying at the laying of   “My Brethren, lack of leadership, is the downfall
     the foundation stones.                                 of every organization. It is the responsibility of each
                                                            member to recognize their strengths and weaknesses,
      Fifty years ago, we had 50,000 Master Masons in  to better enable them to assist the management of
     our great State. Many of you were not only alive; you  growth of our Lodges, Districts, and Grand Lodge.
     were active members of our fraternity at this pinnacle
     of our Masonic history.     ink about everything you     If a Brother desires to become a leader in any area
     have witnessed throughout your Masonic careers.  I  of the Craft, then how do we train them? Is it done
     believe that in many ways, we have witnessed the  by just going through the chairs?    at is the usual
     destruction of our   rst Masonic Temple.               progression, but Brethren that is an error on our part.

      Freemasonry tomorrow probably will not look like        George Tootoosis, portraying Cecial Delaronde said,
     the Freemasonry some of us remember.     e days of  “leadership is about submission to duty,” and I agree,
     attending Lodge for the sole purpose of conferring  but leadership is also a duty to our membership, our
     degrees are over.    roughout the majority of the  Lodges our Districts and the Craft in general.
     twentieth century, our Lodges were conferring so
     many degrees that we forgot there is much more to        Remember we  are  all  leaders,  but  not  necessarily
     Masonry than degree work. Our members today care  Masters of our Lodges (or of Grand Lodge). We have
     much  more about Masonic Education. Today’s new  a duty to every Brother in our Grand Lodge to know
     Master Masons are in general, more educated.  Most  ourselves and know the limits of each other so that we
     have at least some college.     ey are starving for the  may become a true and faithful servant to our beloved
     fellowship and the light we have promised.    ey will  Craft.”
     not continue to come to our meetings to vote to pay
     the bills, read the minutes, and go home.”

       Leadership  is  about  Submission  to  duty  Not
     elevation to power.

          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 23                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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