Page 24 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 24

Freemasonry – A Principle Centered Fraternity

                                           R.W. Bro. Garnet Schenk

       Freemasonry is a fraternity that is based on a set of   Steven Covey, in his book Seven Habits of Successful
     principles that have the power to speak to us and to  People, made the point in his writings that an
     direct us.    ey have power because they are universal  individual’s character is a composite of his habits. He
     principles that come from God, through that great  suggests that integrity, humility,   delity, temperance,
     light that we know as the V.O.S.L.    ose principles  courage,  justice,  industry,  and living  by  the  Golden
     are part of every major enduring religion as well as an  Rule are the bases for what Covey calls “Character
     enduring social philosophy, and ethical system.        Ethic.”    e bases of what Covey calls Character Ethics
                                                            is what Freemasonry regards as the fundamental
       Let us  look for a  moment at the three questions  idea that there are principles that govern human
     that are posed to the candidate before his admission  e  ectiveness and that they can be traced back to time
     to the Lodge for his initiation.    ese questions must  immemorial.    ey are natural laws in the human
     be answered in the a   rmative without any doubt or  dimension and as unchangeable as the law of gravity.
     reservation. Considering the answers that must be
     given by the candidate, we can only conclude that the       e design of the Masonic system is directed toward
     fraternity is built upon God-centered and faith-based  developing character and the improvement of the life
     principles.                                            and conduct of the individual Mason.    e V.O.S.L.,
                                                            the Ritual, the Constitution, the Strategic Plan, and
       Principles are guidelines for human behavior  the ceremonies that   ow out of them, great principles
     that are proven to have enduring permanent value.  of  morality  virtue  as well as  spiritual direction  are
        ese principles are not invented by us or by society;  inculcated. Aristotle’s quote seems to be appropriate,
     they are laws of the universe that pertain to human  “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not
     relationships and human organizations.                 an act but a habit.” In order to become a principle-
                                                            centered member, we must integrate those principles
       Our  Strategic  Plan,  Strengthening  the  West  Gate,  and habits deep within our nature so that it becomes
     refers to providing leaders with an opportunity to  part of our character.
     restate  the  organization’s  principles,  beliefs,  and
     values. Correct principles are  like a compass; they     Masonry is a principle-centered, character-based,
     are there to point the way.    ey are the foundation  inside-out approach to inter-personal e  ectiveness.
     upon which Freemasonry is built.    ose foundations  An inside-out approach means that it starts   rst
     have been there from time immemorial.    ey are  with yourself.    e Strategic Plan, Strengthening the
     evoked through prayer at the opening and closing  West  Gate  puts  it clearly  “Masonic  Vitality  Begins
     of each degree.    ey are also evoked through prayer  with You.” Each member of the Fraternity is to live
     for the candidate and Masons alike the admission  the Craft each day through the application of the
     of a candidate in each degree. As author Lon Milo  working tools in one’s life and embracing the message
     Duquette wrote in    e Key to Solomon’s Key, “no  that Freemasonry conveys to each of us at the most
     man should ever undertake any great or important  personal  of  levels.     e  most  e  ective  and  powerful
     undertaking without invoking the blessing of God.”     promotion  of Freemasonry,  as  a Principle-Centered
                                                            Fraternity, occurs when our daily actions as masons
       A quote by David Starr Jordon in Seven Habits of  re  ect the virtues communicated to us on the   oor of
     Successful People points out that “there is no real  the Lodge.
     excellence in this world which can be separated from
     right living.”    at very fact, in a sense is endorsed   What  we  are, communicates  far  more  eloquently,
     by Our Strategic Plan, Strengthening the West Gate  than anything we say or do. Our mind-sets or
     when it talks about good men transforming their lives  paradigms, correct or incorrect, are the sources if
     through the ancient and enduring tenets of brotherly  our attitudes, behaviors, and our relationships with
     love, relief, and truth. It goes on to state that “building  others.    ose paradigms are inseparable from our
     is what Masonry is all about; building a better person,  character. Our mind-sets or paradigms are powerful
     a better society, and a better world – all in that order.”  because they create the lens through which we see the
     What is expected by the quote is right living both  world.
     inside the Lodge and outside the Lodge.

          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 24                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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