Page 25 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 25

e Masonic Ritual in our jurisdiction sends the  It provides a background upon which the candidate
     individual Master Mason on a journey towards the  may build his personality and character.    e ritual is a
     “center from which he cannot err.”  Freemasonry  guardian of tradition and lays before every candidate
     exists primarily to transform men. When we open  the absolute truths of Masonic philosophy.    e general
     the West Gate, we are o  ering a path of personal  meaning of the ritual can be sensed in the feeling and
     transformation. Each of us has an important role    ow of the words.    e task is not simply to teach the
     to play because the Strategic Plan stresses the vital  ritual, but to encourage members to want to learn it
     importance of mentoring individual craftsmen on  understand it.
     their journey from rough to the perfect ashlar.
                                                              Masonry deals with ethics: right and wrong conduct
       As a Mason, we regard the  V.O.S.L.  as the  great  in today’s world.    e intent of the Masonic ritual is to
     light of Masonry. It is an unerring standard of truth  bring a man into the brotherhood of men who believe in
     and justice. Charity is one of the great cornerstones  right thinking and right action. An individual Mason
     of Masonry. Charity is the ultimate act of con  dence,  should undertake the study of the ritual and learn
     for it recognizes the needs of others, the desire to  about Masonic philosophy.    at study enables him to
     assist them, one’s own surplus, and trusts in God to  make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge.
     replenish what has been given. It is the physical act of
     an inner state of positivism, con  dence in the future   We are most fortunate in this Grand Jurisdiction that
     — sel  essness, and when possible anonymity, and puts  the Grand Lodge has made available excellent quality
     others before oneself. By starting with our own Lodge  material. We either choose to use those working tools,
     brethren, and extending the idea of charity, awakening  or we leave them to lie unused.
     the heart we realize our fundamental oneness with
     everyone and everything    is fundamental unity is
     expressed through the trowel, the tool that spreads
     the mortar of brotherly love and a  ection to all.
     It is the true act of Master Mason.    e key to life is
     not accumulation but contribution, not building up
     material goods, but service to others.

       I began this paper with the idea that Freemasonry
     is a Principle-Centered Fraternity. A principle-
     centered organization provides the opportunity for
     principle-centered leadership at all levels. Principle-
     centered leadership usually display the following

     1.    ey are continually learning something about
     2.    ey are service oriented. (Life is a mission.)    Reprinted from the, Ontario Mason Magazine Spring
     3.    ey radiate positive energy.                      2019.
     4.    ey believe on other people.
     5.    ey lead balanced lives.
     6.    ey see life in Freemasonry as an adventure.
     7.    ey are synergistic.
     8.    ey invest time and energy in self-renewal.

       Most the list of characteristics is what is needed to
     carry the Strategic Plan, Strengthening the West Gate
     in to place in a local Lodge.    ese characteristics will
     help us build on the solid foundation set in place by the
     V.O.S.L., the ritual, the strategic, and our constitution,
     which includes the Preamble.

          e ritual has a greater signi  cance than to be
     regarded as a document for the admission of members.
          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 25                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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