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and I was dead.    is is where I broke down. While on
     the   oor, I looked up and saw several people around                        Explore Freemasory
     me, looking down as if I was already lying in my grave.
     For the   rst time in years, I   ashed back to that eve-
     ning in 2003 in my closet. What if I had gone through
     with it? Would this be the scene upon my discovery?
     I realized as I came back into the moment that I had
     been crying. What had I almost done?

       As I was raised from my resting place, I was made to
     look back to where I had just lain. Resting there was
     the purest image and a reminder of my mortality, and
     I was suddenly humbled into silence. When I looked
     back, I came face to face with what had almost hap-
     pened all of those years ago and made me   nally deal
     with it. You can call it Devine intervention, a moment
     of clarity, or you could call it really good timing, but
     no matter what title you attach to it, me not going
     through with my initial plan, was the best decision I           Grand Lodge AF&AM of Montana
                                                                     PO Box 1158, Helena, MT 59624-1158
     had ever made. Realizing in that moment how short               (406) 442-7774
     life truly is, it was my province to use the time I have

          e night I was raised will stay with me forever.
     I’ve watched and participated in several third de-                  Grand Lodge O   cers
     grees since and while they’ve always been e  ective,                Supporting Rainbow
     it’s never really felt the same. You could say that the
     brethren performing the ritual that night were very
     well rehearsed and great at what they do, but I believe,
     truly, there was something else at work. Something
     unexplainable working through us as we toiled in the
     quarry, working our craft; speaking to me personally,
     making me see the error of my ways and truly under-
     standing the preciousness of life.

       Today, I carry that message with me always, in my
     work, social life, and when raising and taking time
     with my daughter.    e third degree has made more
     than just a personal impact on me; it’s become the
     cornerstone of the superstructure I continue to build
     to this day.

     Reprinted from the Ontario Mason Magazine, Spring

                                                              Je   Harada, Grand Master of Montana with Dan
                                                              Gardiner, Grand Secretary of Montana at the Annual
                                                              Rainbow Convocation June 22nd.

          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 15                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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