Page 12 - MFM July 2019 W
P. 12


                     Results of Balloted Legislation
                                                                               Passed        Fail      Withdrawn

     Grand Master Recommendation GMR-2019-1.                                     X
     Deleting the Membership Enrichment Committe.

     Grand Master Recommendation GMR-2019-2.                                     X
     Deleting  Masonic Organization Teamwork committee.

     Resolution No. R-2019-1A.  Deleting the De  nition of Electioneering.                     X

     Resolution No. R-2019-1B.  Deleting the Prohibition on Electioneering.                              X

     Resolution No.  R-2019-3.
     Submitting Applications for Grand Secretary & Grand Treasurer.             *X *Will hold over to 2020 and
                                                                                    then require 3/4 vote to pass.

     Resolution No. R-2019-4.                                                                  X
     Creating the possible position of a Business Manager.

     Resolution No. R-2019-5.
     Balloting for Candidates allowed only at Stated Meetings.                  X

     Adding the position of Assistant Grand Treasurer.                          X

     Changes how/when resolutions and reports are submitted.                    X

     Reporting on written ballots.                                                              X

          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 12                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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