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The Hands of the Workmen
                     The Hands of the Workmen

                               Reid Gardiner
                               Reid Gardiner, R.W. Past Grand Secretary, Editor, R.W. Past Grand Secretary, Editor
                     John Gri   th Bair
              47th Grand Master (1912-1913)

      John Gri   th Bair was born December 4, 1858, at
     Gerrardstown in Berkeley County, West Virginia. He began life
     without special advantages in education and through his e  orts
     acquired an excellent literary education. He   tted himself for
     the law while teaching school in Indiana. He was admitted to
     the Indiana bar in 1886. On the   rst day of September 1886 at
     Heltonville Indiana, Mr. Bair married Miss Mary Ramsey. In
     1889, they moved Montana and initially resided in Great Falls
     where he was connected with the Great Falls Leader, and in
     the interest of that newspaper made a trip through Northern
     Montana and decided to settle in Choteau. He was o  ered the   M.W. Brother John G. Bair died on December 1, 1915; he was
     position of teacher of the Choteau Public Schools and was head   buried at the Choteau Cemetery.
     of the local schools for three years and in 1893 was elected
     as the Superintendent of Public Instruction.  After two years
     as Superintendent of Public Schools, he resigned and returned
     to the practice of Law. Mr. Bair was an able representative of
     his profession, and always enjoyed a successful practice, and
     as a citizen, he performed a valuable and honorable part in his
     community and state. Mr. Bair was a longtime member of the
     Methodist church and served on the board of trustees.

      On June 15, 1901, Mr. Bair was appointed Collector of
     Customs for the District of Montana and Idaho; this was a
     presidential appointment he held for four years. He was one of
     the most popular Federal o   cials in Montana, and for many
     years has enjoyed a large and in  uential acquaintance with the
     public and prominent men of the state.  Mr. Bair was a delegate
     from the state of Montana to the national convention of the
     Republican party held in Chicago in 1908 he voted with the
     rest of the Montana delegation for the nomination of William
     H. Taft.

      In 1882, Brother Bair became a member of Bedford Lodge No.
     14, A. F. & A. M., at Bedford in Lawrence County, Indiana. He
     became a charter member of Choteau Lodge No. 44, October
     11, 1893, at Choteau, Montana. He served as Worshipful Master
     of Choteau Lodge three times.  He was known as an e  ective
     and pleasing speaker. His frequent attendance at Grand Lodge
     demonstrated his Masonic capabilities and won recognition for
     him in the Grand Body. In 1897, Brother Bair was appointed
     Junior Grand Deacon, and in September of 1912, he was elected
     Grand Master of the Masons of Montana.
      He was also a member of the York Rite having taken the
     degree of the Royal Arch, being a   liated with Chapter No.
     9, R. A. M., at Great Falls. He has also attained the Knights
     Templar degree with Black Eagle Commandery at Great Falls.
     He was a member of Algeria Temple of the Mystic Shrine at
     Helena. Just before his death, he had achieved the Scottish Rite
     Degrees in the Helena Consistory. In 1906, he served as Grand
     Patron of the Grand Chapter of Montana Eastern Star.
          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 7                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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