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The  Montana  Freemason  Magazine  is published  by  and  is  a
     product of the Montana Masonic Foundation, Inc. Unless otherwise
     noted; articles in the publication express only the private opinion
     or assertion of the writer and do not necessarily re  ect the o   cial   THE LEVEL AND THE SQUARE
     position of the Montana Masonic Foundation or the Grand Lodge
     A.F. & A.M. of Montana.
                                                                  We meet upon the Level, and we part upon the Square,
      The Montana Freemason Magazine is provided to members of   What words of precious meaning those words Masonic are,
     the Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of Montana by the Montana Masonic   Come let us contemplate them, they are worthy of our thought,
     Foundation, Inc.                                         With the highest and the lowest and the rarest they are fraught.
      All material is copyrighted and is the property of the Montana   We meet upon the Level, though from every station come,
     Masonic  Foundation, Inc., and the  authors. (C) 2012 Montana      e king from out his palace, and the poor man from his home;
     Masonic Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.              For the one must leave his diadem outside the mason’s door,
                                                               And the other   nds his true respect upon the chequered   oor.
      Articles may be reproduced or displayed, modi  ed or distributed
     with the permission of the copyright holder. When reprinted   We part upon the Square, for the world must have its due,
     articles should note: “Reprinted with permission of the Montana   We mingle with its multitude, a cold unfriendly crew;
     Freemason Magazine.”                                         But the in  uence of our gatherings in memory is green,
                                                                  And we long upon the level to renew the happy scene.
      The Editorial Sta   invites contributions in the form of
     informative articles, reports, news and other timely information      ere’s a world where all are equal—we are hurrying towards it fast,
     (of about 350 to 1500 words in length) that broadly relate to general   We shall meet upon the level there, when the gates of death are passed,
     Masonry. Submissions must be typed or preferably provided in MS   We shall stand before the Orient, and our Master will be there,
     Word format, all photographs or images sent as JPG   les. Articles   To try the blocks we o  er by his own unerring Square.
     submitted should be typed, double spaced and spell checked. Only
     original or digital photos or graphics that support the submission   We shall meet upon the level there, but never thence depart,
     are accepted. Articles are subject to editing and Peer Review. No      ere’s a mansion—tis all ready for each trusting faithful heart,
     compensation is permitted for any article or photographs, or other      ere’s a mansion and a welcome, and a multitude is there
     materials submitted for publication. All photographs must be   Who have met upon the level, and been tried upon the square.
     identi  ed as to who took the photo and the names of the individuals
     who may appear in the photo. Printed photos will not be returned.   Let us meet upon the level then, while laboring patient here,
     E-Mail all photos and articles to the address below.
                                                                Let us meet and let us labor, though the labor seem severe,
                                                                   Already in the western sky the signs bid us prepare
                                                                 To gather up our working tools, and part upon the square.

                                                              Hands round, ye faithful masons, form the bright fraternal chain,
                                                                 We part upon the square below to meet in heaven again,
                                                              Oh what words of precious meaning those words masonic are—
                                                                  “We meet upon the level, and we part upon the square,”

                                                                                                -Rob Morris

          Please direct all articles and correspondence to :
          Reid Gardiner, Editor
          The Montana Freemason Magazine
          PO Box 1158
          Helena, MT 59624-1158

          (406) 442-7774
          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 2                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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