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Meet M.W. Grand Master
                                                Lewie Fletcher

       Brother Lewie was born in Chickasha Oklahoma on        Brother Lewie was awarded the Montana’s Meritorious
     August 9, 1944 and in 1952, his family moved to Lovington,  Service Medal (Bronze) June 2012 and a special Cornelius
     New Mexico where he grew up on a working ranch. At  Hedges Award for Exceptional Merit 2014, for his
     age seventeen he enlisted in the US Navy and served for  contribution to the updating of the Montana Ritual.
     twenty-seven years. He served in Viet Nam 1968, 1969
     and an additional three months in 1970. He retired as an   Lewie is married to Susan and have 3 step children,
     Engineman Senior Chief Petty O   cer, Surface Warfare  Scott, William and Keely.  There are 5 children from his
     Quali  ed.                                               rst marriage, Leslie, Laura, Leann, Lewie II, and Lacey.

       After  Military  service  he  attended  Eastern  Montana   Brother Lewie stated that it has been a truly humbling
     College graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Mass  honor to serve the Brotherhood this past decade. And as
     Communications, Extended Major with Honors. He holds  he moves forward in service, he will continue to serve you
     degrees in Marine Propulsion Engineering, Collision  to the best of his ability, with a 100 percent commitment.
     and Re  nishing Technology and 19 credits in Health
     Administration Masters Program. After college he was the
     Outreach and Public Relations coordinator for Veterans
     Upward Bound Program for Montana.

       MW Grand Master Lewie started his Masonic journey
     when he submitted his petition to Normal Heights Lodge
     #632, San Diego, CA in August 1978. His Father-in-law
     was a Past Master of the lodge and the major in  uence in
     Lewie asking for a petition. He was initiated as an Entered
     Apprentice on November 9, 1978 in Liberty Lodge #150,
     Denver CO, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft January
     11, 1979 and raised to the sublime degree of a Master
     Mason on February 22, 1979. MWPGM Will Alexander
     appointed MW Brother Lewie to Grand Line as Grand
     Historian in June 2011, three months later he was
     appointed as District O   cer for Sagebrush District.

       Brother Fletcher is a Life member of three Montana
     lodges, Hiram #52, Doric #53, Huntley Project Lodge
     #144. He also holds a Life Membership in Vegas Lodge #32,
     Las Vegas, NV. He has served as WM of Hiram Lodge and
     Huntley Project Lodge. He is a certi  ed Lodge Instructor
     and Ritualist. In addition, he has served as Venerable
     Master  for  the  Billings  Valley,  Scottish  Rite,  Billings
     Montana. His home Shrine is AL Aska Temple, Anchorage,
     AK and has an associate membership in Al Bedoo Shrine in
     Billings where has served as the 2nd Ceremonial Master.

       He is a Past Senior Grand Warden in the Grand
     Commandery of Montana, and a member of Jephthah
     Chapter #116, Worden, MT. Past President of the Montana
     Sojourners the Devil’s Brigade, Chapter #558.

          Montana Freemason                                                              Page 5                                        July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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