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                                        T he Office Of T hehe Officehe Office Of T heOf T he
                                 Gr and M aster of M ontana


      I take this opportunity to express a heartfelt                 with God as our overseer, it is hoped that any
     “Thank You” and express appreciation to                         change is positive, bene  cial, and for the good
     everyone who  took  time  from  their busy                      of Masonry.
     schedule to attend the Annual Communication
     and installation of the 2019-2020 Leadership                      The UGLY is loss of membership. It is one
     Team. We look forward  to serving you and                       of the most signi  cant issues we are facing,
     exceeding any expectations members may have                     not only in Montana but Masonry in general.
     of us. As Grand Master, it is my goal to visit                  Having visited other jurisdictions within the
     each lodge in Montana this year to see how                      Rocky  Mountain  Masonic  Conference,  the
     your Grand Lodge O   cers or I can assist you                   problem is not unique to Montana. The largest
     in successfully attaining your Masonic goals.    Lewie Fletcher, Grand Master  portion of losses is death and candidates who
     The Grand Lodge O   cer Team’s goal for this                   do not complete the degrees. If those who apply
     year is “Lead by Example.” Please contact me should you  completed the degrees, it would help o  set the Brothers
       nd any Grand Lodge O   cer falling short of serving you.  taken by the Grand Architect. NPD’s is another sore of
                                                            membership loss. As numbers continue to decrease and
      The word Civility has been used more and more over  the cost of doing business grows, that cost, unfortunately,
     the past few years, and there tends to be less of its  is borne by the membership, you and me. It is quite
     application within the Brotherhood. We should all keep  possible if we continue to steer our present course, we
     in mind that which we professed upon receipt of our  might end up as some other fraternal orders have and
     Apron,” Let the pure and spotless surface be to you an  join the ranks of the extinct. The most bene  cial solution
     ever-present reminder of a purity of life and rectitude of  to this issue would be membership gains; we need more
     conduct, a never-ending argument for nobler deeds, for  quality members. We  as Montana  Masons can    nd
     higher thoughts, for purer actions.”                   the answer to creating new interest and excitement in
                                                            Freemasonry that will increase membership.  We should
      In reviewing comments and articles from past Grand  not ignore the areas where we have losses; however, our
     Masters and Grand Secretaries, I am reminded of the  attention needs to be upon making new Masons.
     Good the Bad and the Ugly. It brings to light some of
     the issues we face, and it is hoped we can apply changes   As Grand Master, I feel it necessary to ensure that you
     to allow for positive growth this year. You are well  the Craft are all fully aware of some of the issues facing
     aware we have some GOOD things going for us in our  us,  and  when  I  visit  your Lodge,  if  you  have positive
     Lodges and communities, some Lodges are seeing and  input as to possible solutions and actions to be taken to
     reaping the rewards from charitable acts of the Lodges  increase interest and membership and improve Montana
     in  association  with  the  Montana  Masonic  Foundation.  Masonry, please share those ideas. Let all of our actions
     Having witnessed some excellent ritual work being  be for the good of Masonry.
     orchestrated by lodge degree or a composite team, it has
     been quite inspirational and rewarding, including seeing
     membership growth is some Lodges.

      The BAD, has been when we encounter where the
     rules we operate under, The Code and Constitution,
     are violated and ignored. Resulting in suspensions,
     expulsions, and hurt feelings when asking why the choice
     was made to not abide by the Code or Constitution. As we
     evolve as a fraternity, our rules may well evolve also, and
          Montana Freemason                                                                       Page 4                                                    July 2019    Volume 95 No. 5
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