Page 24 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 24

henever  I  talk  to  a  fellow  Mason,  the  points,  from  large  and  expensive  to  simple  repairs.
      Wconversation often turns to the condition of  The point is to spell things out and get them written
     our  Lodges.  I  hear  that  their  membership  is  aging,  down.
     declining members in attendance, and difficulty of
     attracting  new  members.  These  combine  to  create    Another example might be the content and order
     financial  problems  of  escalating  costs  in  facility  of  business  for  a  stated  meeting.  Perhaps  this  is
     maintenance  and  the  dues  from  membership  included, by your Grand Lodge, in outline form. For
     going down. While the negatives may appear to be  example, the reading and approval of minutes, paying
     irreversible, that isn't always the case.              bills, sick and distressed, petitions for membership,
                                                            and  old  and  new  business.  While  these  points  all
       Historically Masonic membership reached its zenith  have to be addressed, you may find that your stated
     in the late 1950s, and while your own Lodge may have  meeting is simply a monthly business meeting that is
     experienced  occasional  upswings,  the  overall  trend  long, boring, and drolls on forever, and puts people
     line  has  continued  downward.  While  we  know  the  to sleep.
     symptoms of a declining Lodge, we often fail to study
     the causes or seriously address what can be done to      After you have spelled out all the needs within your
     reverse the trend.                                     Lodge and grouped them into categories, the next step
                                                            is to implement an action plan. While some actions
     A PATH TO A                                            will  be  large,  long-term,  or  expensive  (replace  the
                                                            roof), others may be resolved quickly. In one Lodge I
                                                            visited, an issue existed that too many members had
     BETTER LODGE                                           keys to the Lodge building, and there was no list of
                                                            who had them. People were coming and going, lights
                                                            left on, heat turned up and not turned down, kitchen
            Bro. Chuck Clampitt                             items borrowed, etc. While the complaint list was long
                                                            and the consternation level high, the resolution was
            Mt Etna 333, Huntington, Indiana                relatively simple. Members were notified that all the
                                                            locks on the building were going to be replaced and
       Perhaps a good starting point is a mission statement.  would be keyed the same. All new keys were issued
     What  exactly  is  the  purpose  or  objective  of  your  by the secretary. The result was that a long-festering
     Lodge? You soon find that having a beautiful Lodge  problem was quickly resolved.
     building, having lots of money in the bank, holding
     pancake breakfasts, or funding a scholarship for the     Make  Lodge  evenings  enjoyable.  A  major  point
     local high school isn't the reason that we are Masons.  that  many  Lodges  overlook  is  the  need  to  create  a
     Perhaps the answer would be more along the lines of  "Fun  Factor."  No  matter  the  group  or  organization,
     "establishing/maintaining a fraternity of like-minded  if involvement isn't fun and enjoyable, it isn't going
     men," "to serve as an example within our community,"  to be successful. If your Lodge building is used only
     or "taking good men and making them better."           one evening a month for a stated meeting, then your
                                                            Lodge isn't fulfilling its purpose of fraternity. When
       Just like a business needs a business plan, a Lodge  you  do  that,  then  attendance  goes  up.  Make  sure
     needs  to  think  in  that  same  way.  An  early  step  in  you share a meal together. Make time to play cards,
     business is to determine what goods or services are  throw darts, and socialize. Lodge night should be a
     you  going  to  produce  or  provide?  While  this  may  monthly event where the men can enjoy an evening
     sound simple, it may bring to light some new thoughts  together. In visiting a Lodge in Florida, they increased
     such  as  to  whom  is  the  Lodge  responsible?  Is  it  to  their attendance and made stated meeting night "a
     our  members  and  their  families  or  good  works  for  happening."  The  Lodge  invited  families  and  friends
     others? A good foundation is to re-read the Masonic  and provided a great meal before the meeting with
     obligations that we each swore to when we became  the men doing the work. Drawings and raffles were
     members.                                               held,  a  party-like  atmosphere  was  evident,  and
                                                            dinner  attendance  increased  from  20  to  60  with  a
       The  next  step  is  a  needs  assessment.  It  is  corresponding increase in Lodge attendance.
     here  where  you  Identify  what  the  strengths  and
     weaknesses of your Lodge are. Thoroughly examine         Utilize  your  building.  Don't  limit  the  use  of  your
     your  membership  list,  methods  of  communication,  Lodge  building  to  evenings,  but  instead  make  it  a
     building  and  facilities,  Masonic  education,  petition  place to socialize for the retirees. Men love to visit so
     trends, finances, leadership training, and attendance.  make your Lodge accessible.  Put on the coffee pot,
     As  the  list  grows,  group  points  into  like  categories.  invite the ladies and friends, and make your Lodge a
     Building and facilities will probably have several sub-  destination. Have an evening dinner once a month
     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 24                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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