Page 27 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 27

republican  in  form,  educati on  of  all  the  people
     becomes the highest duty of the state. . . The genius
     of  the  poorest  must  have  equal  chance  with  the
     opportunity of the rich.”

     When Congress accepted the South
     Dakota state consti tuti on in 1889, it was
     so impressed that similar provisions
     were required for North Dakota,
     Montana, Washington, Idaho, and

      In the short book enti tled the “Biographical Sketch
     of  General  William  Henry  Harrison  Beadle”  (O.W.
     Coursey, 1913), the opening line reads “The leaders of
     today become the historical characters of tomorrow”.
     In 1911 a life size statue of Beadle was unveiled in the
     South Dakota State Capital funded by school children
     from across the state. Inscribed at the bott om it read
     “He saved the school lands”.

      Beadle was a man of many talents. He was a soldier,
     statesman, and educator. He authored four diff erent
     diverse  books  enti tled  “Codes  of  Dakota”,”  Life  In
     Utah”, “Geography, History and Resources of Dakota”,
     and “Natural Method of Teaching Geography”. He was
     one of two individuals representi ng the state of South
     Dakota in Statuary Hall in our U. S. Capitol Building in
     Washington, DC. He was also a 33 Degree Mason.

     Beadle  passed  away  in  1915  and  is  buried  with  his
     wife in Albion, Michigan.

     Reprinted by permission of: Chuck Clampitt , Mt Etna
     Lodge No 333, A Hoosier Nati ve Son William H. H.
     Beadle, Indiana Freemason Magazine, Summer 2018


     General William Beadle is remembered as “The Father
     of  Educati on”  in  South  Dakota  by  implementi ng  a
     public  land  leasing  and  set-aside  program  for  the
     purposes of funding public educati on.

      Beadle  County,  South  Dakota  was  named  for
     Brigadier General William Henry Harrison Beadle.
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