Page 31 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 31

by Freemasonry. How many times have we heard  a great many Brethren – none of the reasons have
     the stories of the King of England rising to salute  been  particularly  good.  Sometimes  we  look  to
     the  Worshipful  Master  in  a  tyled  Lodge?  Or  of  Freemasonry as a source of membership for the
     President Harry Truman, arising and saluting  Appendant or the Concordant Bodies. I suggest
     the Master when he served as President of the  to you, Brethren, that is a misdirected approach.
     United States? The principles of our organization  Freemasonry  is  the  dog;  the  Appendant  and
     have formed the basis of the most successful  Concordant Bodies are the tail. The stronger the
     political movement, the most successful country,  dog is, the more vigorously the tail will wag. We are
     in the history of this planet. Our Fraternity has  not, my Brethren, in the business of rehabilitating
     great reason to be proud of its contributions, but,  men;  we  are  not  in  the  business  of  celebrating
     Brethren, I submit to you: we are not done. Today,  mediocrity; we are in the business of taking the
     our efforts are more important than ever.              best and brightest men from every walk of life
                                                            in our community and making them better. But
       The first written reference to Freemasonry that  what’s the purpose of “making them better?” The
     has been thus far found goes back to 1399, where  reason is: so they may go out into our community
     find the first use of the term “freemasonry.” For  and  take  our  Masonic  virtues  and  values  and
     over six hundred years, this Fraternity has had an  make this a better community, a better state, a
     influence  for  good  like  few  other  organizations  better nation, and a better world; a place where
     or institutions in the history of man. Many of  civil, courteous dialog can take place; where we
     you have heard me express in the past my pride  can disagree agreeably – something that happens
     and pleasure at being a member of the world’s  far too seldom today.
     “oldest Fraternity;” the world’s largest Fraternity;
     the world’s most prestigious Fraternity; and the         We have a reputation, my Brethren. And it’s a
     world’s  most  powerful  Fraternity.  We  didn’t  reputation  that  spreads  over  the  centuries  and
     get there, my Brethren, by being second-class.  throughout this world. I’d like to read to you a
     We  didn’t  arrive  at  that  situation  or  station  by  few extracts of an article that I found a few days
     accepting the cheap, the lazy, and the stupid into  ago. This is in Morelia, Mexico. “Banners hung in
     our ranks. We got there because we called every  a Western Mexican state announced a previously
     walk of life for the best and brightest men we could  unknown gang calling itself the Knights Templar,
     find. And they asked to join us in our great and  less than a month after the local La Familia drug
     good works. We have lost some of that focus, my  cartel said it intended to disband. The sign said the
     Brethren. Freemasonry was in decline for several  Knights will replace the cartel, which is considered
     decades. I do, however, share enthusiastically the  Mexico’s leading trafficker of methamphetamines,
     words of the Grand Master of Arizona. I see better  and fend off any gangs looking to make inroads
     quality men petitioning our ranks, particularly the  into that state. According to this replacement drug
     young soldiers returning from combat; men who  cartel, ‘we will be at the service of the people,
     look for more in their lives than the superficial;  to attend to any situation that threatens their
     men who are looking for values, for principles; for  safety.’ It continued, ‘Our commitment is to keep
     an organization which will build their character,  order,  avoid  robberies,  kidnappings,  extortion,
     and which will make a contribution to our entire  and protect the state from possible interventions
     society  and  to  our  world.  Some  of  the  young  by  rival  organizations.’  And  it  was  signed,  ‘The
     men  that  we  have  received  into  my  Lodge  are  Knights  Templar.’”  The  police  have  removed
     remarkable young men; some of them have been  the  banners,  but  these  are  commonplace  in
     professionals; some of them have been military;  Mexico,  where  they  are  used  to  threaten  the
     all of them have been men who have been looking  public  and  intimidate  them.  Everyone  down
     for something more meaningful than bowling on  there appreciates that this refers to the Order of
     Wednesday nights. If we are going to assume our  Christian Knights formed in 1118, to protect the
     place and our station that we once enjoyed in this  pilgrims in the Holy Land during the First Crusade.
     nation, it’s incumbent upon us to return to those  Masonic scholars, and non-Masonic scholars,
     values and those principles which made us “the  have made a much closer relationship between
     world’s most powerful Fraternity.”                     the  Knights  Templar  and  Modern  Freemasonry,
                                                            1307 being not that far from 1399, and the recent
       We have had a lot of reasons for relaxing our  revelations  and  studies  about  the  presence  of,
     membership standards; some of them have been  what were probably Knights Templar at the Battle
     expeditious; some of them have been economic.  of  Bannockburn,  have  only  fueled  the  theories
     In my judgment – and in the judgment, I know, of  which  have  connected  our  two  organizations.
     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 31                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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