Page 35 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 35

by  the  Square  of  virtue;  and  displaying  discretion,  tenets of the Craft. Only the individual can learn, since
     virtue and dignity. But even the most explicit laws or  the object of the instruction is to make an individual
     lists of do's and don'ts or standards of conduct are  wiser  and  consequently  happier.  Only  an  individual
     futile if those they apply to lack the basic character to  can make progress in character building by improving
     abide by them.                                         his moral actions.

       It is not difficult to know right from wrong. Common   While Freemasonry has a broader purpose, one of
     sense  is  inherent  in  most  people.  Epictetus,  when  its goals is to improve each individual who knocks on
     asked what common sense was, said - "As that may  its door to become a vigorous moral builder and to
     be  called  a  Common  Ear  which  distinguishes  only  believe that his life must make a difference in the moral
     sounds, while that which distinguishes musical notes  quality of life around him. Masonry has taught many
     is  not  common  but  produced  by  training;  so  there  men how to pray for the first time and has led many
     are certain things which men not entirely perverted  to a true reverence for the ineffable name of God. It
     see by the natural principles common to all. Such a  has brought many good men into the membership of
     constitution of the mind is called Common Sense".  churches and synagogues. It has taught many men the
     Thus,  Freemasons  can  understand  the  principles  of  true value of themselves and their fellow men. It has
     Masonic ethics and work them out in life.  Determining  established many institutions and ways of life. It has
     what is right and exercising common sense should be  guided men away from fanaticism, intemperance and
     the constant rule and guide for each Freemason.        materialism and always toward light, love and charity.
                                                            It  has  always  thrived  for  beauty  and  symmetry,
       Since Freemasons are urged to live Masonic  knowledge and wisdom and liberty, and a way of life
     principles  and  thus,  by  precept  and  example,  that teaches immortality.
     encourage others to emulate their actions, they
     must abide by their obligations and not palliate the     We, you and I, as individuals, not as a Lodge, but
     offenses of their Brethren.  They must realize that the  as individuals, must accept the concept of Masonry
     teachings of the Craft are designed to improve society  as an institution to build lives true to its teachings
     as well as each member, just as Aristotle knew that  and  in  obedience  to  the  eternal  law  of  God.  We
     through it is worthwhile to obtain the end merely for  must exemplify brotherly love, relief and truth, apply
     one man, it is fine and more Godlike to attain it for a  Masonry's  moral  principles  to  everyday  situations,
     nation.                                                and change our lives to demonstrate its moral truths.
                                                            We hold Masonry in trust and owe a sacred duty to
       The  membership  selective  process  in  our  Craft  add  to  its  beauty.    We  must  show  the  world  more
     must always be by the requirement set forth in the  understanding and benevolent attitudes.
     First Degree charge - by not recommending anyone
     to participate in our privileges without having strong   Our refusal to live Masonry will surely weaken its
     reasons  to  believe  that  he  would  ultimately  reflect  structure  and  its  influence  upon  society.  We  must
     honor on our ancient Institution.                      strive  to  make  it  function  within  the  framework  of
                                                            the ancient charges and landmarks by which it can
       In this day and age of pleasure derived solely from  continue to endeavor to imbue into the hearts and
     material gain, Freemasons should also take pleasure  minds of those who would seek light, the duty of
     in  seeing  themselves  daily  grow  better.  They  must  being a good citizen, to work as best he can for the
     do  as  the  Emperor  Marcus  Aurelius  suggested  -  no  things  he  believes  to  be  of  worth  and  value  to  his
     longer talk about the kind of man that a good man  community, to his county and to humanity. Instead
     ought to be, but be such.                              of  attempting  to  change  or  vary  the  principles  and
                                                            procedures of Masonry, or ignoring them, we should
       What is true of man is equally true of a fraternity.   give  more  attention  to  putting  them  into  practice,
     The strength of a fraternity is in its members, and no   always remembering that our Fraternity has always
     fraternity is stronger than the results of the zeal of   expounded the doctrine of individual responsibility.
     the men who are its members. Always it comes back
     to the individual, who is the living stone in the wall of   If our thoughts about Masonry are no longer positive,
     society, making it strong or weak.                     and if we think its image is no longer appealing, we
                                                            may well heed and apply unto ourselves, those lines
       It  has  always  been  an  important  belief  of     in Shakespeare's play "Julius Caesar," wherein Cassius
     Freemasonry that it is the individual who counts. It is   says: "the fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars, but
     the individual who must be taught the "secrets" and    in ourselves." As an anonymous Masonic writer put it:

     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 35                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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