Page 30 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 30

Quality of Membership &

                  Quality of Freemasons

      Ron Triggs, M.W.P.G.M., Grand Lodge of Wyoming

     The  following  presentation  was  given  by  Ron      late 1850s. Good-will, charity, confidence in your
     Triggs,  M.W.P.G.M.,  Grand  Lodge  of  Wyoming  as    opponent,  is  disappearing  from  the  American
     the  Keynote  Speaker  during  the  145th  Annual      political discord. Moreover Brethren, as I look at
     Communication of the Grand Lodge of Montana,           the international geopolitical situation, I believe
     June  23-25,  2011,  in  Miles  City,  Montana.  Most   that  we  are  seeing  an  increasingly  dangerous
     Worshipful  Grand  Master  John  J.  Mangen            world. Obviously our attention is focused on the
     presiding.                                             Middle East, but many observers look at the threat
        want  to  thank  you  for  your  invitation  to     posed by Russia and China and realize that we are
                                                            in  ever-increasing  peril  internationally.  Perhaps
      I  speak to the Brethren today. I have to tell you    our international situation is as dangerous today
     Brethren,  when the Grand Master asked me to           as it was in the late 1930s.
     speak, he said, “You know Ron, I’ve had a couple
     of controversies on this issue of Quality this year,     The reason that I raise both of these issues is to
     so you might take it a little easy.” And I said, “Well   suggest to you that we have not seen a confluence
     Grand Master, don’t worry. What I plan to do is        of internal political discord, and external political
     come in and talk politics in a tyled lodge.” Well,     dangers of this magnitude since the 1770s. And if
     the Grand Master’s reaction was astonishing and        like me, you are old enough to remember those
     immediate. So I thought I probably ought to assure     days, you recall that was a very close-run thing.
     him that I wasn’t going to talk about “partisan”       Only because of some very remarkable men who
     politics, but rather Freemasonry’s traditional role    led this nation’s Armed Forces and led its political
     in it. And of course, at that, he uncurled from the    institutions, America survived the challenges of
     fetal position, and removed his thumb from his         the 1770s and early 1780s. Freemasonry played
     mouth, and dried his eyes, hooked his thumbs in        an enormous role throughout that period, as all
     his suspenders and said, “Well, I knew that.”          of you know. We have perils, we have challenges,
      But Brethren, I do want to talk to you a little       we  have  dangers  that  we  have  not  seen  in  a
                                                            couple of centuries.
     bit about Freemasonry, about one of my favorite
     topics,  which  is,  “Quality  of  Membership,  and      Two centuries ago, we had a Fraternity which was
     Quality of Freemasons.” Some of you have heard         equal to that challenge. This Fraternity accepted
     me speak on this topic before, but I have some         only the best and brightest from every walk of
     additional  thoughts  that  I  want  to  pass  along,   life. Consequently, this Fraternity was placed to
     because I believe that the theme of “quality” is       influence  the  course  of  politics  in  America  and
     probably more important than ever before in this       the  world.  We  were  a  steadying  and  stabilizing
     Fraternity.                                            influence; we were a voice of reason, and virtue,

      I  have  -  two  of  my  academic  degrees  are  in   and Masonic values, at a time when this nation
                                                            needed  it  most.  I  submit  to  you  Brethren:  this
     Political Science - and I have been active in politics   nation and this world need Masonic virtues and
     in  one  capacity  or  another  for  half  a  century.  I   values  and  principles,  as  much  today  as  ever
     have to tell you that, as I look at America today, I   before in our history. Many of you appreciate that
     find that our political dialogue is more polarized     “republican government,” small “r,” was created
     than I’ve ever seen in my lifetime. I suggest that it   at least in considerable part in the modern era,
     may be more polarized than at any time since the
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