Page 25 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 25

other than Lodge night, but don't burden the ladies'     When you have identified and determined issues,
     cooking and cleaning. Men can find their way to the  it is time to move on to possible resolutions. In some
     kitchen just as well.                                  cases, an issue might only have one reasonable action.
                                                            If the Lodge's roof leaks or the furnace needs to be
      Schedule family activities for members, their family,  replaced, then the action needed is pretty simple. If
     and friends. Have a picnic, go to a park or lake for the  the Lodge doesn't have the finances to correct the
     day, attend a sporting event as a group, or schedule  issue, then that becomes another issue. For most
     a  lady's  night  to  go  out  and  eat  as  a  group.  Plan  concerns, you will find that there may be a long list
     visitations to other Lodges and hold events together  of possible actions that can be taken. Your Lodge Plan
     or  with  other  appendant  Masonic  organizations.  will constantly be evolving with not only new issues
     The Indiana Masonic Home (aka. Compass Park) has  to  address  but  also  possible  actions  or  resolutions.
     residents  who  have  "adopted"  the  nearby  college's  Traveling and visiting other Lodges is a great way to
     girls' basketball team. The residents attend the home  gather  thoughts  and  ideas.  Observation  and  open
     games, wear the school's shirts and caps, cheer at the  discussion  with  other  Masons  can  give  you  a  "fast
     games,  and  act  as  surrogate  grandparents  inviting  track" on how they addressed or resolved a common
     the girls for an occasional home-cooked meal. What's  issue or problem.
     great, it fulfills everyone's need and reflects well on
     Masonry.                                                YOU CANNOT LOOK IN A NEW

      Make  your  presence  locally  known.  Businesses      DIRECTION BY LOOKING HARDER IN
     spend  countless  dollars  branding  their  name  and   THE SAME DIRECTION.
     products  in  an  effort  to  be  recognized  and  build                                  - EDWARD DEBONO
     brand loyalty. Masonry needs to do that same thing
     so that your Lodge and your presence is well known.      Short-term and long-term planning. Once you have
     Make sure your building is well-identified for others   your first (or second or third) plan put together, put it
     to see. Make arrangements so that your members can     to use. A good plan looks five years into the future and
     purchase  marked  Masonic  shirts,  jackets,  and  caps.   includes a variety of short-term issues as well as long-
     Encourage your members to buy Masonic license          term. Your plan should not only grow the health of
     plates or to identify their vehicles with decals or stick-  your Lodge, it should also challenge your membership
     on Masonic emblems. Participate in local parades and   to  improve  your  Lodge  overall.  A  challenge  within
     activities.                                            my  own  small  country  Lodge  was  to  be  able  to  do

      Don't overlook Masonic Education. When we each        all  our  degree  work  within  our  membership.  An
     took our Masonic obligations, we were asked "what      outgrowth of this was to create a written matrix of
     do you most desire," and our prompted answer was       all ritual parts and members who have, or are willing,
     "more  light  in  Masonry."  Too  often,  we  forget  that   to perform that role. Another outgrowth of a good
     the search for light is ongoing. In fact, it is a lifelong   plan  is  to  establish  written  instructions  for  various
     pursuit. Today with the internet, sources for Masonic   Lodge activities. Included are "how to" directions for
     education are readily available. Start with your Grand   planning fundraisers, special events, and infrequent
     Lodge and see what type of programs are available.     ceremonies not included in your Grand Lodge Ritual
     Search the internet since most other Grand Lodges      or Monitor.
     and appendant organizations will be more than glad
     to  provide  you  with  educational  tracts  or  booklets   Write It Down. Once you have a plan, put it in written
     at minimal cost. Make sure that education is a part    form. Your five-year plan isn't simply an activity to do
     of  every  stated  meeting.  It  is  a  great  way  to  teach   and then set aside. To be beneficial it has to be visible,
     Masonry to your new members and re-educate your        frequently amended, and updated. Make sure that all
     more seasoned members.                                 members  receive  a  copy  either  electronically  or  in
                                                            printed  form.  It  should  be  a  planning  tool  to  guide
      So how do we get there? While some preparatory        and direct the officers of the Lodge and committees
     work can be done in a small group, it is best to get as   and individuals.
     many members as possible to participate, be involved,
     and  "brainstorm."  This  evaluation  process  needs  to   To  grow  your  Lodge,  you  need  to  be  creative.  To
     be face to face in a group setting, bouncing thoughts   do that, you need to think creatively. The viability of
     and  ideas  off  each  other.  While  the  objective  is  to   Masonry has never changed, but the society around
     get input from everyone, a moderator needs to be       us  has.  The  principles  and  ethics  of  Masonry  are
     assigned and tasked with keeping the discussion on     needed now more than ever. It is up to you to make
     track and civil. Establish ground rules for discussion   sure that we fulfill that purpose.
     up front – make it positive and don't belittle anyone
     for their thoughts or ideas.
     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 25                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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