Page 29 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 29

and every one of you, I really appreciate all you’ve   agree, but I think that’s a good thing: I always know
     done for me. Brother Grand Treasurer Bruce, your       where Reid stands. And I also know, that whatever
     sharing  of  changes  in  the  I.R.S.  rules,  and  practical   decision I make, he will back me 100%, and I thank
     applications  for  the  finances  have  been  much     you Reid. Oh boy. Brother Deputy Grand Master Will,
     appreciated by Grand Lodge, and I thank you. Grand     and I say this in sincerity, your friendship is probably
     Secretary  Brother  Reid,  I  will  truly  miss  our  phone   the most valued thing I’ve gotten out of this Grand
     conversations, being as Broadus Montana and Helena     Lodge  line.  Thank  you.  And  last,  but  not  least,  and
     are so far apart, most of our business was conducted   I know she’s not here, but Mary-Alice, I thank you.
     by phone. And we did talk quite a lot on the phone.    She’s made me much more a man than I really am.
     As I had said before, Brother Reid and I don’t always

               Membership statistics for the
                  2010-2011 Masonic Year
     Raised                           108
     Reinstated                      54
     Affiliated-New                 9
     Total Increase               171

     Demit to non-affiliate   49
     Suspended UMC              1                                  Recalling MWPGM John Mangen
     Deceased                      274
     Suspended NPD           172                              During  the  2010-2011  Masonic  year,  Most
     Total Decrease             496                         Worshipful Grand Master John and I enjoyed the time
                                                            we had working together and the discussions we had
     Number of Lodges Gaining Membership     14             on a variety of topics, including cattle branding.
     Number of Lodges Losing Membership       67
     Number of Lodges With No Change           13             It is worth sharing part of the philosophy of MWPGM
     Plural Members                                        236  Mangen. Here are some examples of his philosophy -
                                                            "Never kick a cow chip on a hot day," "Always drink
     Average age      67 years                              upstream from the herd," and "An onion can make
     Membership as of  06/27/2011              5,794        people cry, but there has never been a vegetable that
                                                            can make people laugh."
     Membership as of  11/01/2021              3,729          The best example I can give of Brother John's reaction

     During  the  2010-2011  Masonic  year  there  were  23   to life events is the one I personally witnessed when
     Lodges who either met less than four times or less     I visited John's ranch. That night, his wife, Mary-Alice,
     during  the  year  or  did  not  report  the  number  of   prepared dinner – and it was a wonderful dinner –
     times that they met during the year.  The indication   but she also baked fresh bread. And, unfortunately,
     from  the  completion  of  this  section  of  the  Annual   during the distraction of things going on, the bread
     Returns is that many of our lodges are not meeting     got burnt a little, and when it arrived at our table,
     in accordance with their By-Laws and several are not   our Grand Master John responded, "This bread is all
     meeting  the  minimum  allowed.  This  is  likely  a  sign   burned, ...but by gosh, I like it that way."
     of a lodge that is struggling and should be receiving
     attention from their District Officer.                   I think what you see is that brother John had a trait
                                                            that was true to his personality and lifestyle, and it
       During the 2010-2011 Masonic year a pilot program    is  best  expressed  by  the  expression,  "Cowboy-up,"
     was initiated for mandatory background checks. This    because that's what he always did.
     program  was  received  with  mixed  response.  Many
     brothers  thought  it  was  long  over  due  and  others   -Reid Gardiner, Past Grand Secretary
     not so much.  Proposed legislation to continue as a
     mandated program failed at session.
       Legislation entitling Lodge Treasurers as Elected
     Officers to Vote at the Annual Communication

     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 29                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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