Page 34 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 34

MASONIC                                                                   Jack Levitt, MWPGM-CA,


                                                         Principles of


       What  has  happened  to  the  ethics  revered  and  - "Do you imagine that a state can which
     generally  followed  in  the  past?  Mass  cheating  and  the decisions of law have no power, but are set aside
     public  scandals  are  the  trend  today.  Worse  yet,  and overthrown by individuals?. The answer  Socrates
     despite knowledge of misconduct, violators are not  received to this was "No." Thus Socrates accepted his
     turned in. Today, more and more Freemasons are  death sentence, even though believing it to be unjust,
     violating the tenets of the Institution of Freemasonry.  rather than violate the law himself. He had made an
     Code sections and various time-honored regulations  agreement with the State that he would duly obey its
     are  being  misinterpreted  or  ignored  in  attempts  to  laws and had not sought to change them. Socrates
     increase membership. Lack of respect for the views  thus valued his oath and obligations as sacred and,
     of others and like matters disturbing the harmony in  not  having  sought  to  change  the  law  of  his  State,
     Lodges are becoming more frequent.                     obeyed them. Can Freemasons do less involving laws
                                                            that do not endanger their lives, but merely how they
       Not  too  long  ago  conduct  was  self-imposed;  it  manage  them?  Can  they  not  be  expected  to  obey
     sprang from core beliefs. At one time students signed  their oaths and obligations and abide by the laws of
     a paper "pledging one's honor as a gentleman that no  the Craft, especially if they have taken no action to
     assistance was given or received."                     change them?

       Agreements used to be made solely by the shaking       Honor,  along  with  duty,  form  the  bedrock  of
     of hands, and a man's word was his bond. Trust and  human character. Today, many who see an injustice
     adherence to truth was the standard of conduct for  or are dissatisfied with a status do nothing. Others
     Freemasons. This sense of honor is largely unobserved  betray the right. Toleration of misconduct makes the
     and  probably  not  comprehended  by  much  of  our  person who tolerates equally guilty of malfeasance.
     society nowadays. Freemasons, however, are suppose  Ethics rules, unlike most laws, are observed only by
     to be ethical before they become Freemasons and, as  ethical people, who don't need them. Honor codes
     such, are taught to think and act ethically.           are  meaningless  to  individuals  without  a  sense  of
                                                            honor.  Freemasons  who  breach  the  Constitution
       Bobby  Jones,  the  noted  golfer,  who  often  called  and  Ordinances  (Statutes)  of  their  Grand  Lodge,  or
     penalties  on  himself,  once  remarked  to  one  who  the  By-Laws  of  their  Lodges,  not  only  violate  their
     praised him for this and other acts of sportsmanship  obligations,  but  are  individuals  without  a  sense  of
     - "You might as well praise a man for not breaking  honor. Those who have knowledge of those breaches
     into banks. There is only one way to play this game  and do nothing are likewise guilty of malfeasance. An
     and  that's  by  the  rules".  The  principle  behind  this  observation of such inherently immoral action is set
     simple observation should be self-evident to all right-  forth in the Volume of Sacred Law, "For what is a man
     thinking people.                                       profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his
                                                            own soul?".
       There are many other instances in history of men
     with  a  firm  understanding  of  and  adherence  to     Freemasonry's  only  dogma  consists  of  moral
     ethics. One in particular involves Socrates, the Greek  principles requiring only common sense to understand
     Philosopher, who, when advised by Crito to escape  them. T. R. Fehrenbach, an editorial writer, observed
     from prison to avoid his sentence of death, asks several  that ethics is - Do right if you can; above all do no
     Questions. He asked - "are we to say that we are never  harm; and if questionable, do not do it, whatever the
     intentionally to do wrong......or is doing wrong always  law allows.  Freemasonry sets a higher standard to
     evil and dishonorable......?  Crito answered "Yes." He  always do right. Its ritual includes references to: purity
     then asked -"Ought a man to do what he admits to be  of life and conduct; being good and true; practicing
     right......? Crito again answered "Yes."  He finally asked  the domestic and public virtues; squaring our actions

     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 34                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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