Page 32 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 32

This is a slur upon our Fraternity, my Brethren. It  we  lawyers  are  shameless  when  it  comes  to
     is a way for those who would seek to lie to people  plagiarizing.  We  steal  shamelessly  and  never
     about their purposes to use the good names of  provide  attribution.  So,  in  the  spirit  of  that
     orders, in this case, one of our Appendant Bodies.  misconduct, I would like to provide to you a few
     This sort of thing my Brethren, I suggest, must be  thoughts from these publications that I think are
     vigorously  contested and denounced by every  particularly pertinent to the issue of “quality” in
     Freemason.  Our  involvement  in  political  life  our  Fraternity:  in  1772,  William  Preston  wrote,
     should not have come to an end the way it has.  “Were the privileges of Freemasonry to become
     We have much to contribute. Regardless of your  common,  or  indiscriminately  bestowed,  the
     political philosophy, taking those Masonic values  design  of  the  institution  would  be  subverted;
     and  principles,  expressing  them,  and  making  for,  being  familiar,  like  many  other  important
     sure  people  understand  exactly  what  we  stand  matters, they would soon their value and sink into
     for  is  more  important  today  than  ever  before,  disregard.” Put another way, Freemasonry is not
     particularly when we have Mexican drug cartels  for everyone, nor should we feel that it should be.
     stealing our good name.                                But if one is going to pursue it, then there is no
                                                            way to avoid making time to do so and investing
       I  have  often  scandalized  some  people  with  genuine effort in the process. Talking about some
     my  reference  to,  “Freemasonry  is  not  an  of  the  Masonic  principles  –  again,  this  comes
     organization  for  the  cheap,  the  lazy,  and  the  from  a  man  by  the  name  of  Norman  Brooker:
     stupid.” But I mean that Brethren, and I know  “We know that Freemasonry was imported to our
     it  sounds  harsh  –  but  we  have  an  organization  shores from England by the early Founders of our
     which is designed to contribute, and contribute  country. They took the Masonic principles of love,
     significantly, and it takes men of real quality, real  Brotherhood, morality, honor, integrity, concern
     character, real purpose in order to breathe life  for others, all of these, and wove them into the
     into our Obligations as an Entered Apprentice, a  fabric of our government, our institutions, our
     Fellowcraft,  and  a  Master  Mason.  Recently  the  entire culture. Masons dominated the leadership
     Secretary of my Lodge got some information for  of our country in its founding years. Many of
     me about the cost of the degrees from our first  the signers of the Declaration of Independence
     By-Laws in 1874. In 1874 if you wished to receive  and the Constitution were Masons. We know of
     the Degrees of Freemasonry in Cheyenne Lodge  the reliance that Brother George Washington
     #1, a deposit was required of $25. Adjusted for  placed on the officers under his command who
     inflation, that is $468.69. The Treasurer and  were Masons. The cornerstones of our nation’s
     Secretary’s Bond, in 1874, was $2,000. Adjusted  Capitol, and the White House, were laid by the
     for inflation today, that’s $37,495.11. To receive  Masonic Fraternity. This country was conceived
     the  Entered  Apprentice  Degree  in  Cheyenne  in the womb of Masonic principles, and this has
     Lodge #1 in 1874, it was $25, and as I said, that  created a form of government and a way of life
     is  $468.69.  The  Fellowcraft  Degree  was  $15.  that is the envy of the world.” Never were truer
     Adjusting  that  for  inflation  today,  it  is  $281.25.  words  spoken.  As  Freemasons  today,  we  are
     Finally, the Master Mason’s Degree was $10, which  custodians of a bridge, the custodians of Masonic
     is now $187.50 $1,000 to become a Freemason in  principles  which  can  help  preserve  freedom  in
     1874 – that was the value, my Brethren, that a lot  the world. But principles, in and of themselves,
     of Wyoming farmers and ranchers placed upon  have  no  power  to  preserve  anything;  it  takes
     being  a  Freemason.  It  has  not  been  that  long  people to put life and meaning into principles; it
     since if you wanted to be successful in business  takes people bonded together in fellowship. With
     or  government,  it  was  necessary  that  you  be  a  patriotism as a foundation of our principles, it’s
     Freemason – those days have passed. Those days  also been observed that many of our country’s
     should  not  have  passed,  and  we  can  recapture  greatest patriots have been Masons. That’s why
     those days and recapture our strength for good  we say, “ No man can worthily serve in the ranks
     in  our  communities  if  we  again  re-emphasize  of Freemasonry unless his heart thrills to the
     the importance of our Fraternity, and we do not  sentiments of a lofty patriotism that will express
     continue to undervalue or to cheapen it.               itself in loyal obedience to his country’s laws, as
                                                            well as in defense of his country’s flag.”
       Finally,  my  Brethren,  I  want  to  talk  to  you
     about  the  importance  of  the  Investigation  of       Finally,  my  Brethren,  I  wish  to  make  a  few
     Candidates. I am a subscriber to the Short Talk  comments about investigations. We have, for too
     Bulletin,  and,  as  all  of  the  lawyers  here  know,  long, simply gone through the formalities of an
     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 32                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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