Page 36 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 36

"As  a  stone  cast  into  the  placid  surface  of  water   one religion over another. Masonic ceremonies
     disturbs  the  water  in  principles  he  has  learned  in   describe a moral code, using basic principles that are
     Masonry,  may  extend  in  widening  circles,  touching   common to all religions.
     the lives of scores and even hundreds of men and
     women of whose very sincere existence he may be          Freemasonry stands for the reverence of God and
     wholly unaware."                                       the  proper  place  of  individual  faith  in  society;  for
                                                            truth  and  justice;  for  fraternity  and  philanthropy;
                                                            and for orderly civil, religious, and intellectual liberty.
                                                            It charges each of its members to be true and loyal
                    The Nature of Man                       to the government of the country to which he owes
                                                              allegiance  and  to  be  obedient  to  the  law  of  any
    By and by again, the morning sun will rise                state in which he may reside.
    [But] the darkness never goes from some mens eyes (oh no)
    It strolls the sidewalks and it rolls the streets           Freemasonry forbids the discussion of religious
    It's taking turf, dividing up meat                        matters and politics in Masonic meetings — topics
                 -Throwing Stones by John Barlow and Bob Weir  likely to cause personal arguments. It’s also against
                                                              the  fundamental  principles  of  Freemasonry  for
      In all organizations and at all times, there are those   Masonic  organizations  to  take  political  action  or
    who,  by  their  deeds,  render  themselves  unworthy.   attempt to influence elections or legislation.
    This  becomes  especially  troubling  when  we  see  it
    in  Freemasonry  or  an  appendant  body  such  as  the   Freemasonry regards no man for his worldly wealth,
    York  Rite  or  Scottish  Rite.  While  we  often  espouse   social status, or outward appearance. Kings, princes,
    and enjoy the most excellent principles and precepts    sultans, and potentates have been Masons. So have
    that  our  institution  propagates.  We  have  some     paperboys, garbage men, factory workers, and fast-
    safeguards and methods to counter those nefarious       food fry cooks.
    acts  perpetrated  by  those  who  employ  the  act  of
    backbiting  and  slander  toward  their  brothers;  this   In  our  Coach's  Handbook,  Section  4  of  the
    is a vice that is despicable in any man, more so one    Montana Masonic Manual, we are told
    who claims to be a Mason. Our honorable institution,
    through its laws and regulations and instruction, tells   Truth  -  one  of  the  three  principal  tenets  brotherly
    us to "speak well of a brother" to defend his honor     love,  relief  and  truth.  In  the  Entered  Apprentice
    and  reputation  whenever  attacked,  with  truth  and   degree, truth, "the foundation of every virtue,"
    justice as our guide and not to bear false witness and   obviously symbolizes honesty, sincerity, plain dealing.
    refrain from contributing to condemning  a brother      Philosophically,  truth  is  synonymous  with  ultimate
    based  upon  unverified  gossip  and  supposition.  We   knowledge  and  is  one  of  the  reasons  for  the  long
    must  guard  together against  men, brothers, and       life and continued existence of Freemasonry. It is, as
    more  especially  leaders  who  would  trod  upon  the   a whole, a search for the causes behind the causes
    characters of their brothers, fabricate and promote     of things as we know them. In  this sense, truth is a
    misinformation  and  create  adversity  with  malicious   symbol of the Divine Knowledge of the G. A. O. T. U.
    and mercenary motives.
                                                            Cardinal Virtues. Four hundred years before the time
                                                            of Christ, Socrates and Plato taught the four Cardinal
                Principles of Freemasons                    Virtues of life. The early ritual makers drew much of
                                                            their  material  from  the  ancient  philosophers,  who
      Freemasonry teaches a system of morality and          set  out  truth  that  is  universal.  Temperance  means
    brotherhood by the use of symbols and dramatic          moderation  in  all  things  in  speech,  thought  and
    presentations. It encourages its members to expand      action. Fortitude implies moral courage, that courage
    their knowledge of the world around them.               to  stand  for  the  right  against  the  wrong  in  every
                                                            aspect  of  life.  Prudence  means  common  sense  and
      Freemasons believe in the brotherhood of man,         reason. It is a human tendency to allow our passions
    under  the  fatherhood  of  God.  Freemasonry  isn’t    and prejudices to dominate our thinking and control
    a  religion,  but  it  is  religious  because  it  requires  its   our  actions,  whereas  prudence  would  prevent  our
    members to have faith in a Supreme Being, according     emotions from outrunning our reason. Justice is an
    to the individual Mason’s belief. It does not promote   essential factor in the democratic way of life and is
                                                            personal as well as a civic virtue.
     Montana Freemason                                                                          Page 36                                            Nov/Dec   Volume 97 No.5
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