Page 5 - MFM Nov Dec 2021
P. 5

Greetings from the Grand East and on behalf of all your Grand Lodge Officers we wish
            you and yours the best as the holiday seasons of Thanksgiving and Christmas approach!

            It is no exaggeration that Montana Masons are known  as rugged individualists and
            claim all rights granted to them by their national and state citizenship, and the rights
            granted them by being Masons. We do not shrink from our duties to God, our country,
            our neighbors, and to ourselves.

            We understand that conflict and resolution of conflict leads to our greatest personal
            and collective growth.

            We are in a worldwide pandemic, and not untouched by the loss of many of our great,
            good men and their family members. Our liberties are being challenged, driven by fear
            and divisiveness, and uncertainty of how to do the right thing for ourselves and by
            extension, humanity.

            Now, is the time to be thankful, that we have each other, that we are of one mind and
            have the freedom to improve ourselves. That we have had the common foundation we
            have shared with those brothers who have passed to their celestial rewards, and to
            those still with us, binding together under friendship, morality, and brotherly love. It is
            together, in thanksgiving to God, that we will, by the forge of conflict and trial, become
            better than we were.

            Christmas, which by its very name represents the Christian faith, also teaches us
            generosity and compassion for our fellow man, regardless of their religious beliefs. We
            gather together collectively to share meals, gifting, and warm heartfelt conversations,
            and by those acts remember that each of us is endowed by our creator with something
            special that is important to the whole of Masonry and mankind.

            Yes, we are all individuals, and together through the power of our Masonic teachings,
            can be the illumination to the path to drive the darkness of tribulations to a place where
            we continue to honor what is good in men and edifying in Masonry.

            I cannot say it any better than this:
            Brethren-You are now to quit this sacred retreat to mix again with the world. Amidst
            its  concerns  and  employments,  forget  not  the  duties  you  have  so  frequently  heard
            inculcated  and  so  forcibly  recommended  within  the  Lodge.  Be  diligent,  prudent,
            temperate, discreet. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you, and good
            unto all.

            Remember that you are to befriend and relieve every worthy brother who shall need
            your assistance.

            Finally, Brethren, be ye all of one mind, live in peace; and may the God of love and
            peace delight to dwell with and bless you.

            MW Bill Murphy
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