Page 35 - MFM MARCH 2015
P. 35

The Feast of Saints John Table Lodge                    Dear Masons of Montana,
              Billings Area Lodges
                                                            This letter is to introduce you to Grotto. Founded
Ashlar Lodge #29, Billings Lodge #113, and Rimrock          in 1890, the Supreme Council Grottoes of North
Lodge #149 combined for this year’s Feast of Saints         America is similar in purpose to the Shrine in that
John Table Lodge. Armed with the newly issued               it serves as a “playground” for Master Masons. It
Dispensation from Grand Master Donald S. Cerovski           is “in no way Craft masonry”, however, you must
changing the location to the American Legion in             be a Master Mason to belong. The primary charity
Billings and allowing the consumption of alcoholic          associated with the Grotto began as research into
beverages during the ritual of the 7 toasts, the Lodge      Cerebral Palsy, but has evolved into “Special
for Table Instruction and Festive Board was opened          Smiles for Special Needs Children”. The Grotto
in form by Worshipful Master Dave Schantz on the            also works hand in hand with the Shrine Hospitals
Entered Apprentice Festive Board of Masonry.                to treat children with Cleft palates, etc.

                                     36 members attended    The Grotto list itself as “A Charitable Appendant
                                     including Brothers     Body of Freemasonry”, and maintains its character
                                     from Carbon #65        as such. There are units similar in nature to all the
                                     Stillwater Lodge #62,  uniformed units within the Shrine.
                                     Lavina Temple # 101,
                                     & Huntley Project      There is one grotto within the State of Montana:
                                     Lodge #144.            Hassan Grotto - Great Falls, MT. Originally
Worshipful Brother Dave Schantz led the Pledge of           established in 1957 - closed in 1984 and brought
Allegiance to our flag and delivered the “Charge to         back in 2006. (It takes 25 interested Masons to form
the Brethren”. Chaplain Brother Jim Wingenbach              a new grotto). We are going strong, having fun and
presented the Chaplain’s message and gave the prayers.      supporting our charities.
An outstanding meal of prime rib and all the
trimmings was served                                        Hassan Grotto had the pleasure and honor to induct
by the Stewards                                             Most Worshipful Brother Don Cerovski, Grand
Special appreciation                                        Master of Masons of Montana into our Order at our
was bestowed on Jack                                        Annual Fund Raiser held in August of 2014 when
Salsbury & his staff                                        he was made a Prophet at Sight.
for the preparation
of the meal and to                                          If you are one of our Masonic Brothers who may
the Stewards, Sean                                          have interest in or want more information about our
McDuffee & Dave Curtis, for serving us so well.             Order and the Grottoes of North America in general,
The Box of Fraternal Assistance was passed collecting       contact Roger E. Cathel - Secretary, Hassan Grotto.
$206 for the benefit of the Wounded Warrior Project         You can also visit the Supreme Council website at
charity.                                                    the following:
The Grand Master, Donald S. Cerovski, of AF&AM
of Montana’s message was read. The Speaker, Bill            In Good Fellowship,
Murphy spoke to the Festive Board and edified &
illuminated the Brethren on some of the symbolism           Roger E. Cathel, Sec. / Treas.
and history of “Masonic Fire”. Wine was poured by           Hassan Grotto M.O.V.P.E.R.
the Stewards in preparation of the Ceremony of the 7        406-899-3777
toasts and the enhanced Masonic “Fire” was employed
and enjoyed by all. The toasters, Dave Schantz, Jim
Duncan, Adam Johnson, Pete Boothroyd & Chris                                                Page 35
Rubich, were well rehearsed and delivered their toasts
with dignity and respect. Crème Brûlée dessert was
served, followed by the traditional Masonic “Auld
Lang Syne”, the Table Lodge was closed and all joined
in for two verses of America’s National Anthem.
The Festive Table Lodge was closed with peace and
harmony prevailing. Brotherhood continued within
the building, extending towards midnight.
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