Page 39 - MFM MARCH 2015
P. 39

Montana Freemason  March 2015                            Volume 91 Number 1
                                                                                 Page 39
    South Central District Meeting

The South Central District meeting was held October
25th at Golden Eagle Lodge No. 66 in Bridger. The
meeting was attended by 20 Masons from within the
District as well as the Grand Master. Worshipful
Brother Bill Murphy discussed the desires of Most
Worshipful Grand Master Donald Cerovski, which
included the increase in Masonic Colleges and the
purpose of the re-districting. There was some debate
regarding the re-districting as well as the Masonic
Colleges. It was expressed by the attendees of last
year’s Masonic Colleges that the content seemed a
little light. Although there were positive comments
regarding the leadership portion put on by Worshipful
Brother Laris Roberts and the ceremonial portion
put on by Worshipful Brother Lewie Fletcher. The
desire to reduce the number of subjects but increase
the depth of the content resounded. The discussion
of the re-districting was also addressed by the craft
present. The majority present were not in favor of the
new districts and even less in favor of the removal of
two Grand Line officers. The general feeling was that
Grand Lodge intentionally uses the “dark months”
of the year to make controversial changes. It was
requested that the idea of changes and their purpose
be presented at the annual communication. It is
understood that not everything that happens needs
to have the vote of the craft, but Montana Masonry
would be better to served by presenting “edicts” of
the next year during the annual communication. This
would allow the craft to address questions they have
and help alleviate rumors running throughout the
Lunch was provided by the host lodge, prepared by W.
Bro. Dennis Prewett, and allowed time for all present
to enjoy the fellowship of fellow Masons from around
the district. Most Worshipful Grand Master Donald
Cerovski was present to answer questions and enjoy
the dialog of the South Central District.
The meeting concluded with the presentation of the
Bikes for Books & Kindles for Kids, Master Builder
Program and a request by Worshipful Bill Murphy
regarding the craft’s belief in what they think the
purpose of Grand Lodge is. The last subject had
several minutes of discussion with the general beliefs
centering on Grand Lodge as the responsible body for
uniform ritual work throughout the state. It was also
pointed out that it is not the responsibility of Grand
Lodge to make new Masons and to make present
Masons better, but rather this is the responsibility of
individual Lodges as their primary purpose.
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