Page 36 - MFM MARCH 2015
P. 36

The AcAcrcohiue Nnitmamberl,eIIIMason

Introduction                                              Now, to paint a more vivid picture for you, consider
One of the first questions we are asked to answer in      the following excerpt from “The 85% Solution, by
our Masonic journey is, what came you here to do? To      Linda Galindo”.
learn to subdue my passions and improve myself in         You’re lying on your stomach on a cold, metal gurney
Masonry is the learned answer that should reference       in an operating room, woozy from the anesthesia that
all who come into the order of their own free will        will in just a few moments, render you unable to speak
and accord. Then upon swearing an oath in various         or feel or react. Four others are in the room, too: The
degrees, we as Masons all recite with our hand upon       orthopedic surgeon who will repair the errant disk
the holy book of law, “all this I most solemnly and       in your back; the anesthesiologist who is monitoring
sincerely swear” with the certainty of penalty if we      your reaction to the medicine she just gave you; a
violate our obligations. However, do we understand        circulating nurse who will watch out for your safety;
that taking an oath and obligation and placing its        and a scrub nurse who will pass sterile instruments to
actions within the length of our cabletows is simply      the doctor.
adding the burden of accountability to the candidate,     Through your haze you hear the two nurses arguing.
Fellowcraft, Brother, Companion, Sir Knight, Sublime      One is chiding the other because she thinks the scalpels
Prince, and/or Noble. So, are you an accountable          and clamps on the sterile tray have not been sufficiently
Mason?                                                    cleaned. “Mind your business,” the scrub nurse retorts.
                                                          “I know how to do my job.” The circulating nurse
Accountability is the concept in ethics and governance    takes her worries to the anesthesiologist. “Leave me
with several meanings. It is often used synonymously      out of it”, the anesthesiologist tells her. “That’s not my
with such concepts as responsibility, [1] answerability,  responsibility”. So the nurse turns to the surgeon, but
blameworthiness, liability, and other terms associated    before she can speak, he snaps to the bickering group,
with the expectation of account-giving. As an aspect      “Quiet! It’s time to start!” As you lose consciousness,
of governance, it has been central to discussions         the scrub nurse hands a scalpel to the doctor, who uses
related to problems in the public sector, nonprofit       it to cut your back. Which of those four professionals
and private (corporate) worlds. In leadership roles, [2]  is responsible for the safety of the scalpel? Suppose
accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption       you wake up from the surgery with a painful infection
of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and   from the cut. Now who do you think is responsible?
policies including the administration, governance,        Which member of the surgical team will you hold
and implementation within the scope of the role           accountable? Perhaps each of the four is one-quarter
or employment position and encompassing the               responsible for your infection. Sound good? Next time
obligation to report, explain and be answerable for       you need surgery, will it be good enough to know that
resulting consequences.                                   each person participating in a procedure that involves
                                                          cutting your skin, touching your organs, or removing
As Masons, we are to be better men and in a sense,        a diseased body part is willing to take one-quarter of
by design, leaders of men through moral and ethical       the responsibility for making sure you don’t die on
practices that brought us from darkness and into a        the table? The same is true for your lodge, Chapter,
world of illuminated understanding. So an accountable     Commandery, Temple, Brother, Companion, Noble,
Mason is a Mason who acknowledges and assumes             etc… When your charter is pulled, your ability to vote
responsibility for actions, decisions and policies and    removed, or your lodge is not prospering…were you
practices including the administration of Masonic         in the room? Are you an accountable Mason?
governance (within his lodge, chapter, commandery,        As a Mason, one understands that the foundation
temple, etc…), and the implementation within the          is the most important part of the development and
scope of the role of every brothers Masonic position      existence of any edifice. So as a Mason, our foundation
and encompassing the obligation to be answerable for      is the 1st three degrees of Masonry and in these
the resulting consequences of any others actions and      degrees lays the foundation of our understanding and
the outcome of his order. In short, if you were in the    roadmap of accountability. In these degrees, we are
room when decisions are made; if you are within the       initiated Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of
room when words are spoken; if you were in the room       Fellowcraft and raised to the sublime degree of Master
when actions were taken; then you are accountable for
the outcome unless you did ALL you could (within the
length of your cabletow) to prevent harm to a brother,
the defamation of his character, or the creation of the
disruption of harmony within your Masonic body.

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