Page 38 - MFM MARCH 2015
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Montana Freemason  March 2014                             Volume 90 Number 1

Mason who is a worker or artisan qualified to teach       themselves as prescribed in the closing of your lodge,
apprentices and who has authority over and presides       when you hear the negative comments of crabs
over the institution of Masonry…not just a lodge, but     pulling the craft back into the barrel, when you find
an institution of Masonry. A Master Mason is first        envy in other lodges but complaints of your own…
accountable for all the obligations of the preceding      ask yourself, were you or are you in the room. Are you
degrees and must have the understanding of these          an accountable Master Mason?
obligations that he may teach and guide a brother
of a lesser degree in these obligations. Along with       Reprinted from the Missouri Lodge of Research,
this level of accountability also comes the additional    November 20015. Columbia MO 65202-6535.
responsibility of not harming a brother mentally or
physically and the sworn protection and respect of
the family of another brother and places himself in
such regard that he could be held accountable for the
well-being of that family. Are you accountable enough
to be in the presence of your brothers, daughter,
niece, wife, and significant other without the allure
of advancement or the mental weakness of desire or
comment? Can you look past the superficial beauty
or attraction to only see those of whom you should
preside over in the presence of your brother? Are you
accountable enough to be held accountable for the life
of your brother as long as yours is not at risk?

We as Master Masons are accountable for ensuring          Harada Law Enforcement Officer
that Brothers are not only breathing but doing so in                     of the Year
good manner. When we see Brothers performing acts
that may place their lives in danger or that may be
endangering their eternal life, do we step forward? For
it would be a far greater disgrace to allow a brother to
perform an act that would condemn him to eternal
damnation. If an Entered Apprentice Mason is the
foundation, then the Fellowcraft is the frame and the
Master Mason must be the bricks and cement that is
spread with the trowel that completes and solidifies
the temple. Without walls, all under the protection of
the house would surely fall to the winds of storms
and drown in the rains of despair. There would be
no shelter from the heat of immorality and the cold
of those living in darkness. As a Master Mason, are
you accountable on a daily basis in all that you do to
ensure that the institution of Freemasonry is practiced
according to the laws and edicts as stated in lodge
guidelines, by-laws and landmarks?

Closing                                                   Chief of Police for Wolf Point , Jeff Harada (center)
So, as you walk upright and approach the east in all      and our W. Senior Grand Deaaon was awarded the
your regalia and honor, are you accountable for the       Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by the Elks
outcome of your institution of Masonry? Do we             Lodge. On left is Kelly Cranford and on the far right
as Masons truly practice craft Masonry as it was          is Gene Pronto, Exalted Ruler.
conceptualized in the lower levels of King Solomon’s
Temple? Does the state of Freemasonry in your
lodge, district, state, and country reflect the state
of your leadership and accountability? As a Master
Mason, when you see lodges not able to perform their
duties, when you see brothers not proficient and not
upholding their obligations, when you see brothers
not taking proper care of themselves and conducting

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