Page 27 - Nov Dec 2018 MFM FINAL.indd
P. 27

what common sense was, said - "As that may be called a
        common ear which distinguishes only sounds, while that
        which  distinguishes  musical  notes  is  not  common  but
        produced by training; so there are certain things which
        men not entirely perverted see by the natural principles
        common  to  all,  Such  a  Constitution  of  the  mind  is
        called common sense". Thus, Freemasons can not only
        understand  the  principles  of  Masonic  ethics,  but  work
        them out in life. Determining what is right and exercising
        common sense should be the constant rule and guide for
        each  Freemason.  Since  Freemasons  are  urged  to  live
        Masonic  principles  and  thus,  by  precept  and  example,
        encourage  others  to  emulate  their  actions,  they  must
        abide by their obligations and not palliate the off enses
        of  their  brethren. They  must  realize  that  the  teachings
        of the Craft are designed to improve society as well as
        each  member,  just  as Aristotle  knew  that  though  it  is
        worthwhile to obtain the end merely for one man, it is
        fi ne and more Godlike to attain it for a nation.

          The membership selective process in our Craft must
        be always by the requirement set forth in the fi rst Degree
        charge - by not recommending anyone to participate in
        our privileges without having strong reasons to believe
        that  he  would  ultimately  refl ect  honor  on  our  ancient

          In  this  day  and  age  of  pleasure  derived  solely  from
        material gain, Freemasons should also take pleasure in
        seeing  themselves  daily  grow  better. They  must  do  as
        Emperor  Marcus  Aurelius  suggested  -  no  longer  talk
        about the kind of man that a good man ought to be, but
        be such.

         Volume 94   Number  8                                                   Montana Freemason                                                                      Page 27
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